The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
Being saved means forever never again condemned
The very clearly delineated message of salvation from Jesus Himself, the Gatekeeper to Heaven, is: “deny himself…”, express “a willingness to endure whatever may come”, and “follow Me” – which means “believing in Me, conforming to My example in living”. It’s free. It’s simple. But it will cost you.
Holy Father, Lord of All
Sitting here before you Lord, my Holy Father, Lord of All, I’m so aware that I’m not holy.
Fake faith gets you nowhere you want to be
If the core of your being rejects parts and pieces of what Christ taught, then you have a fake faith – with no salvation. Think about that.
Could it be true that today only 6% of “Christians” are truly born again?
Could it be that only 6% of “Christians” today are actually born again? If we, in our mind and in our conduct, cannot accept the totality of what Jesus taught, then how genuinely can we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior? Something went wrong! And thus… the 6%. Startling!
Believing eyewitness witnesses
Eyewitnesses give first-hand accounts of what they saw or heard or experienced. Do you believe eyewitness accounts verified by 2-3 witnesses? If you believe the witnesses, then you are on track to becoming a Christian.
For you He died
There are many reasons Jesus died for you. Here are just a few.
Replace simplistic rhetoric with compassion
A natural tendency is to wax and wane. Over time we can begin to be insensitive to others, and rationalize away our failures. We may be averse to honest self evaluation. We may redefine our “sin” and behavior – and negate the fact that we have actually changed.
Turn from – Turn to
God is asking us to turn from sin, and turn to Him. The simplicity of that Gospel of Jesus is so simple that many reject “turning”. How about you?
Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also
Be careful as you approach God. You might be doing evil – and not know it (Ecclesiastes 5:1). Do you legitimize your favorite sin as approved by God? Legit sins. What a deal that would be! Live anyway you want, but… just try to be very loving. God is so loving He’s sure to accept us, right?
The Overcoming Faith of Christ Followers
A faith that overcomes the daily faith challenges of life – is only possible because God made us brand new inside. Have you been made brand new – in Jesus?
Jews in these latter days of the end
Are you looking to God in these latter days, the days which Jesus called “…the end”? Do you read the Scriptures that God has provided for us to know Him?
That moment of death
There is a place
where turning back’s a choice no longer
Hell is waiting but Jesus calls
What will it be for you?
Say you Heaven or say you Hell
Sin is not the issue in salvation
Salvation in Christ is not essentially about sin. God does not save you because you throw away your sin, or because you are able to stop sinning. Salvation is about your yielding to Him in repentance. Big difference.
As if your mindset is protected by God
PIC: Chicago1Ray.twitter Are you living as if your mindset is protected by God? Convinced of it? Is your thinking following God’s Think? Think again – might save you an eternity of regret. A worldview that conflicts with His You may have played in church since a toddler, but that does not translate into God accepting […]
What are you filled with?
You can change the course of eternity! Do you want to really live large? Make Jesus your Savior, the Lord of your life — forever.
I’m in it to win it
Contrary to Andy Stanley and his book, Not in It to Win It, I am! I am in it to win it – all for Jesus. This article is a review of the Andy Stanley book.
Really want to entrust your eternal soul to THAT?
In whom do you trust? In whose hands is your eternal soul? What system of faith have you chosen? Do you really, really want to trust your eternal soul to THAT?
Heaven’s Gate will soon shut and lock
How long will God wait for you — to repent? Jesus waited 1,952 years for me, and then 7 more years. Jesus saved me! I’m so glad He waited.
Take a Stance on Homosexuality – like Jesus did
Anything contrary to God’s expressed will has to be carefully avoided. Homosexuality, for example, is pushed nowadays as “okay by God”. But actually, it is listed in the Bible right beside many other practices that are not pleasing to God. Temptation towards any sin is NOT sinful. But, if we practice a sin, then we deny Christ. Want to please God in all you do?
God is easy, light-handed, gentle
Find blessed quiet for your soul in Jesus. You can trust Him. He is gentle and kind.
Forgiveness for evil deeds done
Time and tide are relentless. So are the many relentless Old Testament prophecies happening right now – but not in the way most thought they would be fulfilled. Are you ready for “the end” that Jesus spoke of? Take Jesus’ Challenge.
Are you “contrary” – not conforming to the Gospel?
You do not have to stay on God’s Sin List… contrary, unholy, practicing sin. God wants us all to repent. Ready to repent?
When a sinner repents
Have you paused, drawn near to God in prayer… and given your life to Jesus? Don’t wait till you die to step into eternity – do it now through “rebirth” in Jesus.
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
I’m still a workin’ more on being more consistently kind, more helpful, more tender-hearted, more forgiving. How ’bout you?
What is good, and what is not
Are you going with God? Or, are you going against God? What’s it going to be?
Salvation will cost you
Salvation is free in the sense that we pay no money, pay no church, pay no official, don’t have to “clean-up your life”… in order to accept God’s salvation. But salvation is not “free” to anyone: it will cost you dearly.
Was Jesus actually God Almighty?
Was Jesus actually God? Or was He just a mere man like you and me? That is a question we must decide upon.
Faithful and True
I live to be faithful and true daily, so I am ready when Jesus returns. How about you? Are you faithful and true to Jesus?