Today, what is Right is wrong. What is wrong, is on your Right. The Left is full of it. Are you trying to get to Heaven with your Left foot? Jesus had no Left foot, so where do you think your Left foot leads?
Verify Jesus. Verify, verify, verify
There is an immense amount of “Fraudulent truth” out there (as in “erroneous”). It is pervasive, threatening to inundate “real truth”. What difference does it make? Are you discerning the difference?
Extrapolations and quotes from King Solomon in Proverbs 8
King Solomon knew what a fool was like, and what a wise person was. He was both – at one time or another. What will it be for you?
The progressive nature of evilness
Evil is progressive. “Give it an inch… and it takes a mile.” Romans 1 teaches us, taking us deeply into the progressive stages of how evil can grow in a soul.
What God asks of us in the Bible
Do you know what God is asking of us? It is so simple.
Can I become unsaved for any reason?
There is no reason to fear losing our salvation once we have sincerely repented and followed Jesus. But you’ve got to ask yourself: Did God save me? His side of the equation is solid. God does what He says He will do. But what about your side?
Denying Jesus?
You don’t have to be an unrepentant monster like Hitler to deny Jesus. Just neglect to follow Jesus – leave Jesus’ ways a ways away. Maybe fake it, be one of the enlightened folks who say one thing but act another. Or, choose to sincerely follow Jesus.
Always Biblical from my soul
Who are you, really? Are you that self-made free spirit, an independent, a liberal, a conservative? How would you label yourself? How about finding a more biblical label?
Welcome Home To Hell
Sin always says a good thing. It talks a good talk. It attracts us to go that way. Sin promises heaven. But the road it leads down is the highway to hell. Are you on the road to hell, or have you turned your life around – and chosen Jesus?
Be the one who endures and overcomes
There are only two types of humans on earth. You really really want to be the type who sincerely and truthfully accepts Christ, the one who endures all the way.
Two roads to die for
Life is full of choices. You know? The biggest choice we all make, one way or another, is: Are you going with God?
Following the Jesus who was not God
There is no other saving Gospel of Christ.
Saying no to Jesus is a dead faith with dead works
God calls His followers to reject sin (2 Corinthians 7:1), all that He calls “sin”, and press on to our upward calling (Philippians 3:12-14). Fake faith does not fool God.
The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you.
I am so saddened by the willy-nilly application of Bible truths nowadays. People make it say whatever they want to – so it will thereby backup their own wishful thinking. The Bible is the standard for Christian thought, seeing as how we believe God inspired Godly men to write as He guided them.
What is necessary to be saved
Folks! You can NOT fake it with God. He knows your heart. Faking = Still lost. You can talk like/smell like/pray like/look like/act like/dress like/preach like/give money like/claim church membership like/go to church like… but if your heart is not genuinely His, “with all your heart…”, then you are not saved. You are a God damned “believer”. ‘You must be born again.’
Psalm 51. Wash me. Cleanse me.
Psalm 51 is a Psalm by King David of Israel, written in confession and repentance after Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had seduced Bathsheba. He asked God, Wash me. Cleanse me.
Warnings by Paul to Timothy about falling away
The Apostle Paul warns Timothy, and us, about a great falling away from the true Gospel of Jesus during the End Times. We are in those times.
What decides and settles your burning questions?
Everything around us is changing so fast these days. How on earth are we to make good, wise, decisions nowadays? Colossians 3:15 says: “Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts….”
King Solomon’s Fool
Without wisdom, you are basically characterized as “a closed-minded, self-confident fool”, according to the wisest man ever on earth, King Solomon. Solomon said, if you are not following “wisdom”, then you are one or more of several not so wise types.
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
The only humans entering heaven’s gate will be those sinners who confessed their sinfulness – and yielded their will completely (100%) to Christ in that moment of salvation.
Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him
Are you seeking to justify your thinking before your end day? God told us clearly what is good, and what is not. Are you listening?
Like gold dust streaming from my heart
God produces gold dust in us to touch others. Got gold!?
0% Soon
iFacts online are no longer real “facts” when truth no longer matters. I realize now the real reason the world changed the meaning of the word “tolerate”. “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound… and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with […]
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
Where’s the real road to heaven? There is a broad way that seems right. But what it seems to be is not what it really is. It “is a broad road that says heaven, but goes to hell.” Sin always says a good thing. It talks a good talk. It attracts us to go that way. Sin promises heaven. But the road it leads down is the highway to hell. Are you on the road to hell, or have you turned your life around – and chosen Jesus?
What’s living rent-free inside your head?
There’s a whole bunch of ornery characters taking up space inside ya’lls head. Are you feeding them?
Yielding your will to God
“…he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him.” –1 John 3:9 You can’t get much clearer than that: “cannot”. Too many professing “Christians” are just plainly not “reborn from above”. They are not really saved. They are into habitual […]
2 Timothy 4:3
2 Timothy 4:3. Amplified Bible (AMP) “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine….”
Delusion is absolutely irrational, stupid and foolish
No sane person (you and me) would allow themselves to be deceived and tricked, fooled. Right? We would see it coming and avoid being “deluded”. Right? Wrong.There is a predicted end times great Delusion coming, called the Apostasy, “the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians”. This delusion will happen to sane, “professing Christians”. Beware, Paul says.
Oh How Marvelous
Marvelous grace. To a sinner, what else could be so marvelous? God’s grace, that “un-merited” bestowing of a blessing on me. Just because of Him. Just because He chooses to do so within His Heavenly legal system.
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
There are seven (7) “I am” statements of Jesus where He made it clear He claimed to be God – and Savior of all sinners who repent.