…a series about Hell – which was created by God for the banishment of Lucifer.
There is a place
When this life is over and we’ve lived it all for self, we’ll have nothing in eternity but self and self – that’s all.
Just beyond the veil
Just beyond “beyond the veil”, beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that? For those who accepted Christ in this life — it will be totally… Awesome!
Was Graham right -or- Hawking?
Who was correct? Graham -or- Hawking? Billy said “I’ll be in heaven in the future life”, whereas Hawking postulated there is no afterlife, saying heaven “is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” “One thing’s for sure: Both of these men now know the truth of what happens after death.” – Robin O’Hare […]
Livin’ it to the max!
What kind of thinking person would reject God in order to stubbornly spend one short lifetime for dubious pleasures here, when God offers non-stop eternal life with Him, all the goodness of the Creative Designer Himself – in His forever Kingdom? Really? Reject Him for this wisp here? Only a fool. Not me. Now that I belong to Jesus — I’m livin’ it to the max!
Hell’s Quotes
Much has been said about Hell. What do you say about Hell?
Hell in the Bible
Why hell? It comes from a judicial sentence of condemnation by God for those who reject Him: Satan, demons, non-believers – the unsaved humans.
Not Afraid of Hell
Hell. What will it be like? What does the Bible say about Hell?
It’s Too Late
Statement from hell: “Just died and gone to hell. It’s too late to turn back now.”
Hell Is Real
The Bible teaches that Hell exists. What does the Bible say about Hell? Let’s see.
Windows Into Heaven
Jesus taught that there is a physical place called “heaven”, or “paradise”. It is actually way beyond what we know as “physical”. Imagine heaven. See it from Bible “windows”, the perspective of what He told us Heaven is…
Going To Hell?
The highway to hell is quite a ride. But it’s hectic, with all kinds of stops and twists and turns. There is a tiny road along the way, however, that leads to God. It shows-up periodically on the highway to hell. It tends to catch sinners by surprise, because most don’t give a damn about God, and haven’t really considered traveling by any other road. They don’t like change, and most-all their friends are going to hell anyway, so they say. Heaven is always just around the corner if you choose to take this tiny road. It is a choice. It is, however, one choice amongst many.
The Damning God
These days everyone has their own idea of what life is and what we are doing here. We sing “what’s it all about?” Have you stopped, in the whirlwind of your life, to think about God? God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds? The damning God …and the forgiving God: One God. Have you been forgiven by God?