We are all on a journey,
a road trip of sorts — on the road to meet-up with our Creator God, the One True God, Jehovah God. Do you have everything ready to meet up with Him? Allow me to explain what’s up – down the road, according to what the Bible tells us.
The Meetup
You have a meeting with God. You are accountable to God for what you did with your time on earth. So: Your meeting can go in two directions, you know?
Your choice. Make it a good one, because you’ll live with it forever. There is no choice – after that choice. Here’s the long and the short of it. (Hint: I absolutely, with all my soul, recommend The Long Meeting!)
#1. The Short Meeting (also referred to as The #1 Meeting)
The Meetup: Upon death.
Prior arrangements: None whatsoever. Do nothing special and this is automatically your meetup. Your days are numbered. So God knows when you will arrive.
Special Instructions: Come as you are. No rescheduling possible after death. No cancellations. No substitutions. When you arrive you’ll know: “This meeting is going down.” No question about it.
Tickets: Not needed. Free entrance.
This #1 Meeting with God will be real short, real quick, and to the point. This meeting happens only IF you never made prior arrangements with Him for the #2 Meeting. Not to worry, if you’ve made your #2 meeting arrangements.
So be sure to look into this. Only talk to trustworthy, authorized travel guides (those who truly follow the book). Beware of the many sweet-talkin’ false guides. Follow them – and you’ll have the worst trip, a never ending nightmare existence.
The #2, the “long meeting”, must be totally pre-arranged, one-to-One, personally by you with your Maker, before leaving earth). No “ticket” – no entrance. Whereas for the short meeting: You are ready now. Not a thing you need to do to arrive there.
God, Master of the House, recommends scheduling well in advance for the #2. For, if you fail to make arrangements prior to death arriving at your doorstep, well, He will say you only qualify for The Short Meeting. And you don’t want to go there. Trust what Jesus said about it.
No excuses accepted. No fat-cat passes to by-pass The Short Meeting. No free tickets to Paradise there.
If you never prepped well for any meeting with God: No problem. All are accepted here.
You will immediately be sent to your new home. Hope you are not first in line (assuming there is a line) so you’ll be forewarned as that first unfortunate one ahead of you is told, “To Hell with you.” What a most horrible moment that will be.
You’ve heard the expression, “Sure as Hell.” Well, this is it. And few things are more sure. Jesus mentioned it, so you know it’s a sure thing. Here you will experience that God is not only a loving God, but also a damning God.
Even if you never believed in Hell, you’ll come to realize: really and truly there is a place called Hell. This place is no mere legend, not some fictional horror movie set, but: Hell by God. The Bible warns about it many times. (See: Hell in the Bible)
There is a place
assigned to go
where nowhere else exists
but there.
It’s far from where God’s blessings flow;
it’s bad and worse,
no good at all.
– Source: There is a place
#2. The Long Meeting (also referred to as The #2 Meeting)
The Meetup: Immediately upon death. Or: The Rapture, if you be so lucky. I’m praying to be in on THAT! What a ride that will be.
Prior arrangements: Absolutely necessary per Jesus’ Himself. Make your own prior arrangements to be allowed in, because this Party is special. These arrangements must be made with Jesus, without exception, without alterations, with all of you, 100% given over to Him. Don’t merely go for the easy Short Meeting. You really really do want to be in there for the long meeting! Don’t miss it.
Warning: There is a broad way that says heaven, but goes to Hell. Don’t be a fool. Don’t be fooled, as many are, time and time again. Don’t misunderstand God’s word. Don’t be misled by stupididiotic things about God, false belief systems.
Tickets:Paid for by the world’s biggest Benefactor of all time. Free entrance “by grace through faith”, in Jesus. Sincerity and truth required.
Special Instructions: Stop what you are doing. Do a 160 degree turn-around. Get off the highway to Hell, now. 1
Who we are matters. What we say we believe, matters less.
– Source: What Matters, written January 25, 2017.
Take the straight and narrow road, The Roman Road. You really really want to be extra careful that you arrive with “approval guaranteed”. At that moment in time when you accepted Christ, you were truly sealed by His Spirit, sort of like stamped with a guaranteed stamp: Entrance Granted into the Eternal.
- I Have to Believe w/ lyrics. Sung by Rita Springer (on YouTube)
- Gonna Be Worth It!! With lyrics – Sung by Rita Springer (on YouTube) “…I don’t understand Your ways…” “…pulling me into Your ways…” Also a good video with this same song: Worth It All!! video by espaytons
The “long meeting” will actually be The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Sort of like a “Welcome Home Party”, but much, much more.
It will be Grand! Oh what a day that will be! So make damn sure 2 , as in “as sure as sure can be – that you have your prior arrangements made. In other words: Take every precaution to be extremely sure, very, very highly sure. It’s that important.
Pray for salvation – with sincerity and truth.
I am filled with hope and joy when I think of my death. Finally having that long meeting with Creator God! To take my last breath on earth – and immediately be there. Actually there! Paul put it this way,
For to me,
to live is Christ
[He is my source of joy, my reason to live]
and to die is gain
[for I will be with Him in eternity].
– Philippians 1:21
How about you? Are you standing for your faith? Farther along we’ll understand it all. For now – I’m digging in my heels, deep in faith. My faith keeps me standing strong.
I challenge you to accept Jesus’ Challenge:
The Challenge
– Source: Take Jesus’ Challenge
Creator God came to earth on a mission. God Himself came down to earth as the man, Jesus — in order to secure legal passage for us to His Kingdom. Because God is holy, and we are not — He provided a way for God to legally declare us holy, covered by the perfect Lamb of God – to forgive us for all our wrongs, and give us legal entrance into heaven.
Jesus claimed to be God Almighty walking the earth in the flesh as a man. Will you consider His claims? Read about them in the Bible.
There is a reason He went to all that trouble to die for us. He is full of love for us, and He wants us to be with Him forever. That is why He created us in the first place.
We know our sin. Ever day we experience sin and the effects of sin. But we walk our sin back to God. We repent and renew. He died on a cruel cross in order to be able to forgive us forever.
He set me free. He can set you free. Call-out to God. He’s always here for you.
The Standard is set by God – Source: What God Wants
I am frightened by the standard set by God for entrance into His Kingdom, into His Family. “Few there be that find it….” It is no small thing to be forgiven by God, accepted by God, made a child of God, to finally become a member of God’s family.
“And there is salvation in no one else;
for there is no other name under heaven
that has been given among people
by which we must be saved
[for God has provided the world
no alternative for salvation].”
– Acts 4:12
We are all on a journey, a road trip of sorts — on the road to meet-up with our Creator God. You have a meeting with God soon. Ready for that day?
The marriage supper of the Lamb – What is it? – Source: compellingtruth.org
So, God sent His Son into the world. Do you know why?
The Thief on the Cross Hanging With Christ
Related Truth – from compellingtruth.org
How is the church the bride of Christ?
The rapture and the second coming of Christ – What’s the difference?
In light of Christ’s return, how are we to live our lives?
What are the signs of the end times?
You can still turn to Jesus
and be saved after the Rapture,
but, as it has been throughout the centuries,
once you die
without the forgiveness only Christ could give
– it’s too late.
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