Boy-oh-boy do people NOT like being told how to think! Are you one of those? It is apparent that many folk think: “I’m just totally fine, thank you very much – don’t bother me!” There is a new reality coming that will entirely blow their socks off!
“Don’t tell me how to think, God!“
“What God wants” – seems to me to be extremely important while on earth. After all, isn’t that what “religion” is all about… thinking and living what God wants? For the Christian, I would think that knowing what Jesus wants – is the most important knowledge in existence, no?
Do you care what Jesus thinks – enough to talk about it?
So why are people offended when friends bring-up the subject? Our faith is the most important conversation piece! Why not discuss it?
When it comes to discussing faith, we need to steer clear of “opinions” like: “Well, I think….” Focus on what God has said, like “What does the Bible say about this?”
The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you.
Christians aren’t afraid of knowledge. “Bring it on”, I say. There is no knowledge that can rock my faith in Jesus. I’ll discuss my faith with anyone. You know where my faith comes from: it’s all about the Bible, God’s word to man.
Your thinking – or God’s Word?
The new reality coming
Heaven and Hell are soon to be actualized, by God, into two separate living realities where all the rules change. The rule change will be absolutely astounding. It’s coming soon. You will have no choice in the matter.
You will be in one place or the other, forever.
two separate living realities
where all the rules change
Make sure you are going to Heaven, rather than to that other place, the place reserved for hypocrites. You actually hold the key to your eternal state: to be with God, or nowhere God. The choice is now.
Choose nowhere God – or all of God
The lifestyle of the false believer
There is a place assigned for “hypocrites”. Jesus said: that place is for the ones who think they are faithfully serving The Master, but they are not. They are not faithfull and true. The hypocrite is the one that “eats and drinks with those habitually drunk” (verses 48-49 of Matthew 24:45-51).
To put this in the context of today: the evil slave is the “professing believer” in Jesus who lives and moves habitually without a care about the return of Jesus.
– Source: A place for hypocrites
The reality for us now – will not be around much longer. The times… “they are a’changin'” (Dylan song and lyrics – 1984), soon to be what Jesus called “the end“. 1 And then the greatest change on earth will take place.
Ready for this change? Have you accepted the one-off offer Jesus makes to everyone?
The reality for us now
Excerpt: Without Christ we are legally damned, but He can legally forgive. Don’t be mislead by religion and philosophies of mere puny humans. What do they know, really?
The world of illusion of some churchgoers
Creating a space for communication
Feeling insignificant No matter who you are
Excerpt: No human need stay in the funk of insignificance. No matter who you are, how ordinary, how far you’ve fallen, how vile to Jesus, how lost, how deep your sorrows — as a human each of us can be blessed beyond measure by Jesus the Messiah. Jesus wants us. Jesus gives eternal significance.
Acting with your heart, soul, strength, and with your mind
Hating is life changing – eternal life changing. Scary thought.
Is Jesus’ worldview your worldview?
Flesh and blood absolutely cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
- “…and then the end will come.” – Verse 14 of Matthew 24:3-14.
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