PIC: Hell is not a “dead end”. But you do die to get there.
The Jews (of today even) who reject Jesus (verse 12)
Jesus spoke of nonJews also, but because He was speaking to Jews back in the day, He said of them:
Matthew 8:11-12
11 I say to you that many [Gentiles] will come from east and west, and will sit down [to feast at the table, and enjoy God’s promises] with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven [because they accepted Me as Savior],
12 while the sons and heirs of the kingdom [the descendants of Abraham who will not recognize Me as Messiah] will be thrown out into the outer darkness;
in that place [which is farthest removed from the kingdom] there will be weeping [in sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [in distress and anger].”
Actually — anyone (Romans 3:23), everyone, will be ceremoniously “thrown out” into “the abyss” (the bottomless pit, the dwelling place of demons), into Hell — if they reject Christ Jesus — not just “the sons and heirs of the kingdom [the descendants of Abraham who will not recognize Me as Messiah]” (verse 12).
“Rejectors” (all those “who will not recognize Me as Messiah”) will not be in God’s Home Heaven. How very huge the bummer.
On the other hand, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — are in the kingdom of heaven. Why? Because they accepted Christ as their Savior (verse 11). Have you?
Hell, or “the outer darkness” as Jesus describes it here, is such a horrible place:
“that place [which is farthest removed from the kingdom] there will be weeping [in sorrow and pain] and grinding of teeth [in distress and anger].”

Waiting for your appointment to stand for judgement
There is a place… a place for hypocrites
Can you imagine how far is this place that is “farthest removed from the kingdom“? That is like as far removed as our sins when we get forgiven: “as far as the East is from the West” (Psalm 103:12).
That is so far. I cannot even comprehend it. I think it has been located there by God so as to not be a place for “heavenites” to visit.
This event will be the biggest “God Damn” ever. It will be our “Welcome Home to Hell” day, the consequences of supporting evil. Believe it: you will not ever get to be in a place of good things ever again. It will be all “bad”.
Got your mind around THAT? Don’t be like Hophni and Phinehas… worthless, unrepentant sinners.

Everyday common folk
Are you one of those ordinary common folk who is so gullible that you believe evil Satan’s lies, instead of believing our holy, holy, loving Jesus? Even sinless, perfect, gorgeous Eve fell for him (Genesis 3).
It is “the fool” that says there is no God (Psalm 14:1;Psalm 53:1). Ever thought of yourself as a fool – a spiritually ignorant, empty-headed one?
“The [empty-headed] fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt and evil, and have committed repulsive injustice;
There is no one who does good.”
– Psalm 53:verse 1
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
Don’t wait too long to decide for Christ – or you are likely to be beheaded for your belief! Read: Waiting may get you beheaded – sooner than you think.
Are you one of those who is so gullible that you believe evil Satan’s lies? Or, instead, have you believed our holy, holy, loving Jesus? The consequence is a world of a difference.
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
Heaven will be awe-full and law-less
Hell is real Comment: Hell is not a “dead end”. Hell is a living end. But you do die to get there. And it is in “the dead end” of God’s universe (verse 12).
A God Damn Excerpt:
So, what about a real God damn? In contrast with a damning by a person: What’s a God damn like? What will it be like to stand before Creator God on Judgement Day, and receive His wrath? That’s something to really think about. Can you feel the finality of it all in that moment?
Will you be turned away by Jesus?
About Satan…a series on our Enemy
Don’t be like Hophni and Phinehas… worthless unrepentant sinners
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