An adaptation of the article: About past sins and being forgiven now
Is there any legitimate sin?
No. It’s not happenin’ folks. God does not legitimize any sin. He has already damned sin – and the sinner. And the final judgement is coming in the end.
“For [godly] sorrow that is in accord with the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but worldly sorrow [the hopeless sorrow of those who do not believe] produces death.”
– 2 Corinthians 7:10
“What then could I do when God arises [to judge me]?
When He calls me to account, what will I answer Him?”
– Job 31:14
God can forgive anyone of any sin. Anyone. Anything. He is that merciful and loving. God’s message is very clear on this.
But we must repent first. When we pass from here to there and come before God in His World Heaven, there will be no legit sins there, no unrepentant sinners. They all will be sinners there in Heaven — but only sinners saved by His grace through faith (Romans 5:2; Romans 3:24).
“You must be born again,”
Jesus said. – John 3:3-7
Legit sins
What a deal that would be! “Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also!” Live anyway you want, but… just try to be very loving so God accepts you? God is so loving He’s sure to accept us, right? NOT. Not according to the Bible. Not at all.
Approved by God
Approval to enter into God’s Eternal Home Heaven will not go to anyone with any spot or stain of sin. Entering… we must have no spot. No stain. Nada. Zilch. Jesus can make us brand new inside! See:
That is what Jesus died on the cross for! Jesus was the sinless, Perfect Lamb of God sacrificed in our place so that we can enter Heaven forgiven, spotless according to His Holy Court system of justice (John 3:14-18).
“…God raised up His Servant and Son [Jesus], and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.” – Verse 26 of Acts 3:17-26.
The Damning God
God is the Damning God, but He is also the Forgiving God. Be a forgiven sinner, a sinner saved by grace. Don’t be a God-damned sinner, – one who is claiming sin privileges, thinking you’ve been redeemed (but have not been).
Keeping sin as legitimate before God changes nothing. You remain in your sin, a God-damned “believer”. Beware: a God Damn is real, something not to be played-down.
See: God-damned on earth
The Forgiving God
Like the father of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), God the Father is always there for you. He is waiting with open arms to receive the repentant prodigal. Whosoever will may come to Him, repent, and receive forgiveness by God.
See: What God Did for Man
One God
There is only one God. But He is very complex. He is a loving God willing to forgive, true, but He is also a Holy God, a damning God who cannot host unforgiven sinners in Heaven.
See: The Nature of God and His forgiveness. Hebrews 7:25; Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 16:24; John 5:24; John 14:6; John 18:37; Colossians 1:18; Hebrews 2:18; Hebrews 11:6; 1 John 2:3; 1 John 2:4; 1 John 4:16; Revelation 3:20; Genesis 35:11; Psalm 19:1; Ephesians 1:5; Philippians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Isaiah 25:1; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 2:5; Romans 1:18.
The soul that keeps it’s sin
God’s Holy Holy Spirit will never enter the soul that keeps it’s sin. And He must enter to save you.
“Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also?” Impossible with Holy God. He forgives sins by His Holy Holy justice. He is not some ethereal willy-nilly anything goes banana republic Force of the Universe.
See: | Keeping Sin |
| Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty |
When we repent
The very clear message of Christ is that sinners can be changed (2 Corinthians 5:17). When we get truly saved, the Holy Spirit enters into us, “fills us” with His presence, and then He begins “to purify for Himself a people for His own” (Titus 2:11-15). Glory!
Little by little He changes our way of living, refining the redeemed sinner to be more and more like Jesus. God Himself works inside our insides, preparing us for His Holy Kingdom. Aren’t you glad for that!?
See: | What being “saved” means |
| What is necessary to be saved |
| Being faithful, little by little |
| Being like Jesus |
On the spot 2
When you repent with sincerity and truth, choosing to truly follow Jesus, all your sinful past is forgiven by God, and you are totally accepted into His Forever Family – on the spot, immediately.
God is so very very gracious and merciful – He can forgive any repentant sinner of any wrongdoing. The message of salvation in Christ is: Repent and believe on His Name.
See: | When a sinner repents |
| Forgiveness for evil deeds done |
| God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception |
We know… 1 John 5:13,19-20
There is no guesswork. The Bible tells us we can absolutely know we are saved – now! We know the will of God in this.
13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.
19 We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. 20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.
Both here on earth now – and in heaven when we arrive: you can be declared forgiven in God’s system of Justice. But beware of a cracked heart, and easy believism. Don’t fool yourself all to Hell.
Easy Believism
On the other side of the coin of ¨easy believism¨ is the question: ¨Am I really saved?¨ or, on Judgement Day – will God say to me ¨Depart from me, I never knew you.¨ (Matthew 7:20-23)?
– Source: God Damned “Believers”
True salvation
When you turn from your sinfulness
(true “repentance“),
and turn to Christ for His forgiveness
(“accept Christ” and His ways),
He then recreates you in that instant
– and you become “born again“.
Not accepting sin… Romans 6:8-14
Regarding the sinning in our past, we will all continue struggling and failing from time to time in our weakness, but the truly born again will not accept that sinfulness as okay anymore. We fight the good fight — against sin.
See: The Overcoming Faith of Christ Followers
What is happening today, really a lot, is… so-called Christians think they can keep their sin AND get God’s holiness also. That’s not happening. Never has, never will. God’s grace is limited. Becoming a child of God to be a part of His “sonship” – requires repentance.
“The sacrifice of fools”
Don’t be a fool, thinking that your evil is okay. 3 If you support evil: are you truly following Christ? Would Christ support what you support? …what do you practice? …what your lifestyle follows? Scripture says: NOT. – Source: Sonship
See: | Me, When I Die, still in sin |
| They were never really of us |
| Playing with sin |

– Source: PIXABAY
Accepting Sin
Life seems to go on and one, day by day, as if everything is hunky-dory, does it not?
Do you know you are doing what God has rejected? Doing evil? (Ecclesiastes 5:1) The Bible makes it very clear to us what is of God or what is not an acceptable practice – with Him. Don’t be fooled into Hell by thinking your sin is legitimate before God.
For instance, in 1 Corinthians 6…(verses 9-11) the Apostle Paul is very explicit as he lists specific sinners and their way of life. In your past, perhaps, these practices, or lifestyles you had – separated you from God. Are you still there?
Those who continue to practice such… continue to show to God a lack of true repentance. Accept these as “okay” – and they continue to keep you from having “any share in the kingdom of God“. True repentance rejects what God rejects. Believers sin, yes, but they call it sin… and confess it as so.
See: | Are you Filthy or Beautified? |
Insight from BibleGateway Footnotes:
1 Corinthians 6:9 This list of sinners, which continues into v 10, is used by Paul to describe various sinful lifestyles. All such lifestyles are impossible for true believers. [Born again believers] continue to sin but not to live lives of sin.
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; [a]neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [by perversion], nor [b]those who participate in homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers [whose words are used as weapons to abuse, insult, humiliate, intimidate, or slander], nor swindlers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.
See: | God’s Sin List | The Bad Fruit List |
The Cracked Heart …Got one?
The term “the unrighteous” (verse 9) refers to all peoples who, in their heart, accept the practice of these as a way of life acceptable to God. That mindset is not of God.
According to the Bible, God’s World does not work in that way! The key words here are in the past tense: “and such were….”
Each of those specific “sins” are forgiveable in Christ. Glory hallelujah for that! Or we’d all be lost forever. It is the continued heart attitude of rebellion and rejection of God’s revealed will – that is not forgiven… until we truly repent of that “unrighteous” heart attitude.
There must be a heart change – accepting Christ and His ways. If it’s vile to Jesus, we must repent of that. We don’t earn salvation by rejecting our sins. We reject our sins because our desire is to please Him. We obey Him out of gratitude for all He did for us (to bring us into His salvation).
And such were some of you
1 Corinthians 6:11
11 And such were some of you [before you believed]. But you were washed [by the atoning sacrifice of Christ], you were sanctified [set apart for God, and made holy], you were justified [declared free of guilt] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God [the source of the believer’s new life and changed behavior]. – 1 Corinthians 6:11
Church folk: What were some of you doing in your past?
According to 1 Peter 4:1-8, we might have been into…
- [intentional] sin […pleasing the world] (v1)
- [spending] the rest of his natural life living for human appetites and desires (v2)
- living for human appetites and desires (v2)
- doing what the [unsaved] Gentiles like to do (v3)
- living [unrestrained as you have done] in a course of… (v3)
- [shameless] sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties, and wanton idolatries (v3)
- you …[think like them, value their values (v4)
- “resentful and surprised” that [true believers] do not [think like them, value their values…] (v4)
- and] run [hand in hand] with them into the same excesses of dissipation and immoral freedom (v4)
And Now…on our journey
What is our new life in Christ now to be like?
Somewhere along our journey, we “turned around“, turned from – (repented) after having been lost in our sinning (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Are we now more than conquerors in Christ? We must arm ourselves for spiritual battle, and be constantly filled by His Spirit.
Don’t be fooled into Hell
by thinking
your sin is legitimate
before God.
Arm yourselves (See also: Ephesians 6:10-18)
Therefore, since Christ suffered in the flesh [and died for us],
arm yourselves [like warriors] with the same purpose
[being willing to suffer for doing what is right and pleasing God],
because whoever has suffered in the flesh [being like-minded with Christ] is done with [intentional] sin [having stopped pleasing the world],
2 so that he can no longer spend the rest of his natural life living for human appetites and desires, but [lives] for the will and purpose of God.
– 1 Peter 4: verses 1-2
Live in the Spirit…
according to [the will and purpose of] God
5 But they will [have to] give an account to Him who is ready to judge and pass sentence on the living and the dead. 6 For this is why the good news [of salvation] was preached [in their lifetimes] even to those who are dead, that though they were judged in the flesh as men are, they may live in the spirit according to [the will and purpose of] God.
7 The end and culmination of all things is near. Therefore, be sound-minded and self-controlled for the purpose of prayer [staying balanced and focused on the things of God so that your communication will be clear, reasonable, specific and pleasing to Him.] 8 Above all, have fervent and unfailing love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins
– 1 Peter 4:see verses 5-8
What is happening,
really a lot today, is –
so called Christians
think they can
keep their sin
get God’s holiness also.
That’s not happening.
Never has, never will.
God’s grace is limited.
“Don’t arrive before The Throne of God – and discover there that you are still merely a God–damned mud-man.” – Source: The Damning God
Be careful as you approach God. You might be doing evil – and not know it (Ecclesiastes 5:1). Do you legitimize your favorite sin as approved by God? Legit sins! What a deal that would be! Live anyway you want, but… just try to be very loving. God is so loving He’s sure to accept us, right?
Jeremiah 7:4-9
“4 Do not trust in the deceptive and lying words [of the false prophets….”
8 “Behold, you are trusting in deceptive and useless words that bring no benefit….
Jeremiah 7:10
“10 ..and [then dare to] come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My Name, and say,
‘We are protected and set free
[by this act of religious ritual]!’
—only to go on with this wickedness
and these disgusting and loathsome things?“
Titus on: What the Word of God Teaches
Your spiritual journey to eternal life
Being faithful, little by little
Road Sign: God is at work up ahead
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
I’m not what he (the Deceiver) says I am
The reality of incompleteness here on earth
Your Spiritual Journey to Eternal Life
Living the good life with courage and confident hope
We don’t get into a Holy Kingdom by being sinful
Claiming a sin as – God’s will for you
As if your mindset is protected by God
Why might many Charismatics not be saved
God is able to keep you from stumbling
About past sins and being forgiven now
We know the will of God in this
Entrance Granted Into the Eternal
Passing on through to the other side
Salvation and Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit
Jesus promised the Gift of His Holy Spirit (coming soon)
Your “New Leaf”…once you have repented
God is able to keep you from stumbling
The Dumbass Lamb Excerpt: The dumb lamb is exactly what God created him to be. And I tend to think that God created the lamb, as-is, in order to illustrate to us just how we look! God characterizes us Christians as lambs, and the Devil as a roaring lion – seeking to devour us. Still thinking you are invincible?
Our perfect God and our response to Him
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
God as man – the short version
Forgiveness by God – The Forgiving God
- Cleansing: 2 Corinthians 7:1; Jeremiah 15:19; Titus 3:5; John 13:10; John 15:3.
- merriam-webster: on the spot
1. at once – immediately
2. at the place of action. -
Don’t be a fool – self-deceived: Ecclesiastes 5:1
Your Attitude Toward God
“Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil” – Ecclesiastes 5:1.
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