to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man
[who places his faith in wealth or status]
to enter the kingdom of God.
– Mark 10:25
The most important thing in life… is being saved and sincerely walking in the truth.
I have set before you
life and death,
the blessing and
the curse.
So choose life
in order that
you may live….
– Deuteronomy 30:19
Chose life. Chose Jesus. Nothing else comes close. Don’t just stay on the edge of faith – dive deep. Be real with Jesus.
As for the rich in this present world, instruct them not to be conceited and arrogant, nor to set their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
– 1 Timothy 6:17
Are you diligently seeking God? Deuteronomy 11:1 reminds us of “…our obligation to Him.” See also: Job 8:5-7
“Therefore you shall love the Lord your God, and always keep His charge, His statutes, His precepts, and His commandments [it is your obligation to Him].
– Deuteronomy 11:1
“I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live….” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Have you chosen Life?
Being saved means forever never again condemned
Confirm and Affirm why Jesus will accept me
Jesus the Godman said “Follow Me”
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
Research God for yourself…Jump-start your God search. Additional research sites to explore
Right on the edge of trusting Him forever
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
When you are wrong and just don’t get it
The Chutzpah of Wannabe Christians
Jesus will reject many “Christians”
When on earth I’m done and gone
Passing on through to the other side
19 …I have set before you life and death,
the blessing and the curse.
So choose life in order that you may live….
– Deuteronomy 30:19
God makes Himself “real” to us
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
8 Steps for Real Repentance from Psalm 51 – by Catherine Parks at thegospelcoalition.org:
“Until sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet.”
– by Catherine Parks
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
*Read the articles in our OMGjesus Category: Salvation
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
The Jewish Messiah Didn’t Start a New Religion | By Dan Delzell, Christian Post Contributor | Voices |
The Messiah’s Critics Couldn’t Produce His Body | By Dan Delzell, Christian Post Contributor | Opinion |
Why Ben Shapiro found William Lane Craig’s resurrection rationale ‘uninteresting’ | By Dan Delzell, Christian Post Contributor | Voices |
Ben Shapiro loses his first debate!? | Historical Evidence for Jesus being God (YouTube video: 12:05 minutes) | By William Lane Craig | From Abiding Life | Also see: Ben Shapiro Pressed on Jesus
From the book by Dr. Jeff Myers:
“Felix Pratensis and
Jacob ben Hayyim ibn Adonijah
both became Christians while working
on this text for Jews. Davis says
the editors saw clearly that Jesus
Christ was woven into all the key
figures and narratives of the Old
Testament; it was impossible not to
see Jesus as the Messiah once they
began serious study of the Hebrew texts.”
– Dr. Jeff Myers,
How to Find Jesus in All of Scripture This Christmas.
Summit.org: The Journal, Dec2013;Vol.13;Issue 12.
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