Here we have republished only the Conclusion section (2nd half of article) of Pete Garcia’s Eyes Wide Shut, because it centers in on Pete’s message of the “eyes wide shut” condition of most churches today. Topic: the dismissal of Bible prophecy.
Change the way you live
Talking with some people who asked Him about the sinful ways of others… Jesus taught that it would be an eternally favorable act — to change your way of living. “…unless you repent [change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways and live changed lives], you will all likewise perish.” – Verse […]
Responding to insults and losses
Jesus is our ultimate example of how to respond when insulted, belittled, or violated somehow. He said: don’t resist, or hit back, or retaliate. I want to be more like that.
The End Times Fight you might not win
There will be a gruesome fight for your soul if you miss the Rapture. You have to be ready now. You might not win that last fight on earth. But I sure as Heaven pray you will. If you are a loser then, well… you will find Hell is your home forevermore.
Called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level
Getting saved does not leave us kneeling there — still a common puny human. At that moment of salvation we are made brand new, and are called by Jesus to be forever on a higher level. We have more than “eternity”. We have an extreme, high calling from our extreme High God.
Can I become unsaved for any reason?
There is no reason to fear losing our salvation once we have sincerely repented and followed Jesus. But you’ve got to ask yourself: Did God save me? His side of the equation is solid. God does what He says He will do. But what about your side?
Think like God Almighty
God is so high above us. If you stick to your own level of thought you’ll never make it to Heaven. You have to think like God — in order to get saved.
Claiming a sin as – God’s will for you
Nowadays we have way too many professing “Christians” who are confusing compassion and love for others with God’s marvelous grace. Many are now exchanging His grace for inclusivity. They claim that God will accept certain sinners – in their sin – because they are exceptionally loving and kind. Is that biblical? Will God accept you because you are exceptionally loving?
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
Why the tears, Paul?
What if you are wrong about following Jesus faithfully? What if Jesus is against what you practice in your faith?
Revelation 13: The activities of the beast. By Mark Creech
A pastor once said, “One day, the Lord will say to the world, ‘Alright, you have wanted the Devil’s way; you have preferred him over me, despite my countless warnings. Now I’m going to give him to you fully.’ One day “the restraining influence of true Christianity in creed and action will be withdrawn from the entire world, and out of the wicked sea of nations will arise “a Beast.” Ready for that?
As dead as a doornail
We will never ever be “as dead as a doornail”. You’ve heard the expression?
Really want to entrust your eternal soul to THAT?
In whom do you trust? In whose hands is your eternal soul? What system of faith have you chosen? Do you really, really want to trust your eternal soul to THAT?
Fear the Wrath
Are you afraid of dying? The truly born again need not fear the wrath of God.
Fear of death enslaves you
Are you living the good life – with courage and confident hope? Because we are “in Christ” we are confident in Him (Romans 8). “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait eagerly for it with patience and composure” (verse 25).
Dividing Eternity
God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). You will be forever on one side of eternity, or the other. What side of the line is your hoeing taking you?
And We All Bow Down
And we all bow down; And we feel so impure; The holiness of God around
When your prophet is wrong
Are you pressured to say something like “God told me this”? “It’s okay to be wrong. Just say what comes to mind.” Beware: NAR charismatic churches have cancelled Old Testament warnings about misrepresenting God. But the truth is… God is still against those who “speak falsely”.
Errors you hold to the death
Being adamant in our beliefs is admirable. But what if we are adamant about the wrong things? Are you adamant – with Jesus? Or are you a bit askew with what you are willing to die for?
Matthew 24:32-51
Fig Tree parable from Jesus in Matthew 24:32-51.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. “Therefore encourage and comfort one another and build up one another…”
The Bummer
The bummer of bummers is that place far from God and His Goodness. Going there?
Promises God makes about your salvation
God made some huge promises. Absolutely beyond huge. Eternally huge promises. Salvation is His biggest. Do you have that one secured?
Jews and anyone else who rejects Jesus
Are you one of those who is so gullible that you believe evil Satan’s lies? Or, instead, have you believed our holy, holy, loving Jesus? The consequence is a world of a difference.
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
Based on Post New Apostolic Reformation Reflections by Rick Becker The Bible was given by God Prophets of old (both Old Testament and New Testament) spoke and wrote as they were inspired by God (2 Peter 1:19-21). Their words were truly given for us – by God. There is a reason we call that collection […]
The gullibility of the common person
Scripture warns us to be discerning. Ask: Is this from the Bible? Are you kidding me?! You really think I can’t see through that teaching? What about this passage here…?
Shrink back? Not a chance!
Salvation in Christ is a sure thing — because God Himself saves us. THAT is a sure thing!
Dealing with the consequences of missing The Rapture
What will happen the second before and the second after the Rapture trip? What are the consequences?
Consequences of Supporting Evil
Supporting evil actually has one consequence before God. Can you guess what it is?
“Whosoever will may come”
Have you arrived to the Pearly Gates “in Christ”? Or are you still putting off accepting Christ?
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