When talking “God” and “Truth” – I really do not care what you think. You do not care what I think. What matters is “what God thinks”. What has God revealed to us down through the ages?
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
Christ offers us His “iron-clad” humongous type of salvation… or, on the flip-side, this article could be titled… “The limits of what God will do for sinners”.
Getting to Heaven is not a religious thing
I am frightened by the standard set by God for entrance into His Kingdom. “Few there be that find it….” It is no small thing to be forgiven by God, accepted by God, made a child of God, to finally become a member of God’s family. Salvation by Almighty God is done by Him as we give Him our all. If we do not respond by a life given-over completely to Him, then we are fooling ourselves. We are still damned all to Hell.
The one-off offer Jesus makes to everyone
Jesus is offering everyone on the globe a one-off offer. You can take it or leave it. Up to you. I sure recommend you think long on this. Jesus can save your soul for all eternity.
Know that you know you know
Sometimes a believer may wonder: “Am I really truly saved?” The Bible says we can know we are. What does the Bible say about our salvation in Christ? Are you sure you are saved?
Jesus Was The Christ, The Messiah Sent From God
The New Testament shows us Jesus was the Christ. Want to be a believer? Read the Bible!
Those who kill the body
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have nothing more that they can do.” Rather, “fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority and power to hurl [you] into hell.” Yes I can – I can stand strong.
He’s got this
Whatever it is that you’ve got troubling you, “He’s got this!” When I find myself in times of trouble, I turn to Jesus.
Judgement of God
The judgement of God is a sure thing – guaranteed by God Himself. God also guarantees eternal freedom from judgement to all that turn to Him. That is why Jesus came to earth. Jesus came to save us all. Are you ready to meet your Maker?
Are you viable?
Have you been made viable for Heaven? Just like a human fetus is viable upon conception, ready to launch into living as a human, we can become viable for Heaven – by becoming “born again“. Believing in the name of Jesus makes us viable. Through new life in Christ – we become viable for Heaven. […]
I am not the sum of all my sins
I am a child of the King – not the sum of all my sins.
Salvation will cost you
Salvation is free in the sense that we pay no money, pay no church, pay no official, don’t have to “clean-up your life”… in order to accept God’s salvation. But salvation is not “free” to anyone: it will cost you dearly.
Still sneering?
What finality: When that lightning quick final moment “ends you”. Will Jesus meet you then?
Faithful and True
I live to be faithful and true daily, so I am ready when Jesus returns. How about you? Are you faithful and true to Jesus?
Welcome Home To Hell
Sin always says a good thing. It talks a good talk. It attracts us to go that way. Sin promises heaven. But the road it leads down is the highway to hell. Are you on the road to hell, or have you turned your life around – and chosen Jesus?
Six different types of wrath – from God
Examining the theology of the entire Bible reveals that there are at least six different types of wrath – from God.
What, in Hell, are we to do?
What are we to do in Hell? I don’t know, actually.
God’s Sin List
We all have a sin problem. Some have dealt with it with God. Others have dealt with it by their own thinking and rationalizations. What have you done with your sin problem?
Biggest prophecy of all time
What was the biggest prophecy of all time? Think about it. It is so very clear to see.
Warnings about denying Christ
Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ? Have you asked Him to forgive you and accept you into His Kingdom? Does it matter – what you believe?
It is bare open
The other day a man walked through the door of a bar in the countryside. I could see where his heart was, deep inside him, because a well-beaten path led back to his own door. His heart was bare open, plain to see. Our hearts are laid bare open by …the evidences smeared all over the course of our life.
Be full of joy – because of this…
There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. – Romans 8:1,37-39
The message of salvation spoken by Jesus to Paul
Jesus spoke this to Paul on the road to Damascus – one short verse that explains the Gospel of salvation in Jesus, in Acts 26:18.
Following the Jesus who was not God
There is no other saving Gospel of Christ.
About Sin
Key truths about sin as taught in the Bible. What is sin, and what is God’s stance about it?
I run to win! Christ did. Do you?
What is due to Jesus, because of what He has done for you? He died for you, for me, for all sinners alike. So – what should be our response to Him?
It’s all about Christ
There is nothing more pressing, nothing more important at any time in your life – than to “be right with Christ”.
Clouds without water
Reading the tiny book of Jude we see how desperately lost people are without Christ. It is no small matter, rejecting the soul-cleansing power of salvation in Christ. You think you are just fine, hunky-dory? Have you considered how God sees you?
Ready for the Rapture?
Are you ready to go with Jesus in the Rapture? See this very well-stated Salvation video, and get ready for the Rapture of His followers!