It really IS quite plain to see: this world and all of us creatures – could not possibly ever have come to be – without an intelligent designer, God, making us. Don’t be an idiot! An idiot is someone who does something or says something (believes something) that is moronic. Don’t be a moron. A […]
The Name of God
The use of the word “Allah” Resources available fromTHE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK: This missionary organization is “following Isa along the straight path”. We desire to share the Good News of ‘Isa al-Masih‘ (Jesus the Messiah) with the growing Muslim community in the world. To know the only true God, honor and obey Him, […]
Proof for the Resurrection
As we celebrate Easter, I believe it is important to reflect on what we are really celebrating. We are celebrating the event that literally changed history. Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection sparked a change in the history of the world. All of this brings us to this one question: What are you going to do with the resurrection?
No Sin – No Problem
Want to have sin when you go before The Judge? What the Hell? Don’t you want to go to Heaven? Only Jesus Messiah was “without sin”. Me, you… not a chance. We need His pure forgiveness!
The Justice of God
The justice of God is seen throughout the Bible. And it all points to Jesus.
Wow. God became a man.
Wow. God became a man to save all who would believe in Him (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Matthew 1:21). This is actually a stumbling block to some who consider it too fantastic or foolish to be true (1 Corinthians 1:23). It seems to them more like science fiction, myth or fairy tale to think that GOD, […]
That’s Odd
Isn’t it odd that the creator of a computer would doubt even the existence of the Creator who created something he can’t understand?
Change by God
Also see: God never changes. Never has. Never will. Since God knows all – past, future and present… then he does not “change His mind” as we know it, but rather – He changes direction according to His original plan which He is just at that moment bringing into fruition. From the get-go He knew […]
There Is Only One God
There is no conglomerate Allah – God the Father – Thor ¨God¨, and what-have-you. There is only …God. It is contradictory to believe they all are the same one God. All religions purport differing, conflicting ideas about God. It is absolutely impossible that they are one and the same.
Atheist Initiative
Pray for an Atheist Initiative on Facebook …That It Stirs Religious Emotions Between Christians and Atheists FRANKLIN, TN (ANS) — No-one likes to be taken for a fool and, with April Fool’s Day (April 1), 2010 approaching, it is important to remember the Bible says those do not believe in God are just that. According to […]
Punishment and Reward
There are punishment and rewards because God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4), and what we sow we do reap (Galatians 6:7-8). But that does not mean that there does not exist another side to suffering. Jesus suffered death so that we could have eternal life (John 6:47, 50; Titus 1:2; 1 John 5:11).
God is not the same as His Laws
A blog on the internet states, “The laws that govern the Universe must exist before the Universe, therefore…” But who said the laws that govern the universe must exist before the universe? If there was no universe, why would there need to be laws to govern it? To state this, one would have to say […]
God is Just
I have the impression looking at some information that I see, read in newspapers, or hear on the radio that people in general do not take seriously the fact that God is furious, shows indignation, and is angry about sin. And it is interesting to me that people in general do not like the word […]
Is God Free?
[Editor’s note: The “salvation” of God is free…, but this article considers the nature of God.] Is God truly “free”? This topic has been discussed by many, and the conclusions have been either one way or the other. Conclusion of Some: God is no freer than a robot Some believe that God is no freer […]
God never changes. Never has. Never will.
The Bible teaches that God cannot change. This is taught in the following verses.
Is it possible for God to be free?
Source: Based on part of Is God Free? …regarding “Freedom” Is it possible for God to be free if He is perfect in everything he does (Genesis 1:21) and He is perfect (1 Peter 1:16)! Thomas Aquinas, an Italian Catholic Philosopher of 1225 to 1274 A.D., argued that the mind of God is immutable (it […]
God and Man have free will with which to make a choice
Choice is from God. He is a God of choice. He chose to create us. Then He chose to make it possible to forgive us. What choice will you make about God?