We are all inside. God is outside. The question is: How on earth do we get outside – to be with God? Simple as that. There is a lot more to it, but that’s it.
Picture being inside – and God is outside. It’s like, all of us humans – we are in the box, all of us. Nobody isn’t.
We all are – inside the box. God made it that way. And there is only one way out of the box. God made it that way.
Well, actually, the box used to be totally open, but now it is closed, with just one door out – and God’s Son, Jesus Christ (outside the box) is saying:
“I am the way….
No man
comes to God
except through Me.”
– John 14:verse 6
One has to think outside the box – in order to understand our condition. Those inside the box have no way, on their own, to get out.
It really isn’t up to us to design some creative method of getting to God. He already provided the way.
And we are all in it together, in the same box, in the same condition – with no way out except through the door God provided for us, designed right into the box before the box was ever finished.
Don’t waste whatever time you have left, trying to find another way to God. That door is Jesus Christ. He is the way.
It’s like, all of us humans – we are in the box, all of us. We are all inside. God is outside. The question is: How on earth do we get outside – to be with God? Simple as that. There is a lot more to it, but that’s it.
What God has going on with us here on this planet
That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking
Approach God with a true and sincere heart
Heaven’s Gate will soon shut and lock
Passing on through to the other side
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