What I really prefer
I really rather prefer “to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord” (Verse 8 of 2 Corinthians 5:1-10). Don’t you?
Paul says…8 we are [as I was saying] of good courage and confident hope, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 5:8
As born again Christians… born again
We do not fear death. We are confident death is just a doorway to “be at home with the Lord“.
The day of His Return is coming soon. I’m living with confident hope for that day. Be ready!
The thrilling day of the great exchange for mortals will be accomplished by Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:51-54). That day is when He makes all His followers immortal. Dead or alive, God exchanges their mortality for immortality. Can hardly wait! But I have to.
If you miss that event, “get left behind”, then you will know that you have not been saved. What a sad day that will be for you my friend. Don’t delay your your decision.
But I can wait
Wait for it. I am. God knows what He is doing. He is timing His return for His purposes.
I’m ready! Can’t hardly wait for this blessed return called “The Rapture”. It will be a concurrent resurrection of all His followers from the grave, then, fast as a flash – the snatching up of the lucky alive on earth with them… to meet the Lord in the sky. Feeling lucky?
“Daniel Hernandez of the LA Times shared (2022) about the lifetime of wishful thinking by Diana Kennedy (Diana Kennedy’s heated opinions). After her death at 99, his conclusion about her was:
“I’d like to think
her entrance to the afterlife
just as she damn well pleased
it would.”
– Source: Daniel Hernandez of the LA Times (2022)
The problem with that is that it doesn’t work that way. No matter how willful, no matter how adamant we my be… God is in charge and He determines how one gets entrance into the eternal.”
– Source: Feeling Lucky?
Jesus waited 1952 years for me to get-in-on His salvation (plus another 7 years after birth before I said yes to Him). When He has saved the last lost soul that He’s been waiting for… then Bam! He will be here. Perhaps He’s waiting for you still?
He is wanting for you to get-in the door before it shuts. You know – Heaven’s Gate will soon shut and lock. Read Matthew 25:10-13. Choose Him today. Never can predict – but that door may be shut tomorrow.
The All Good Exchange… 1 Corinthians 15:51-54
In a brief flash of time, “in the twinkling of an eye”, Jesus will effect what I prefer to call, The All Good Exchange. All His followers, first all those of ages past, from their graves, then those yet alive on earth (the lucky few) — will be snatched up to be with Him in the air. Now that is when we will say, “It’s all good!”
I prefer “The All Good Exchange“, myself, rather than “the all poor exchange“. Both are available. (See: 1 Corinthians 15:51-54)
The good one is an instantaneous good change to an immortal body. Wow! We are changed to immortals and live where it’s all good!
The poor one is a sad exchange for nothing good. Not a good deal at all. Bad one. (This exchange will take place after the Millennium.)
This life is “win-or-lose”
Jesus promised eternal life in His presence for those who turn to Him: Turn from – Turn to. And He promises eternal damnation for those who reject His one-off offer of forgiveness.
You’ve got to ask yourself: Who wins in the end?
It’s a race we all run. It’s a fight we all fight. What is this race, this fight? It’s this life we all live. It’s a fight we either win or lose.
I’m in it to win it. How ’bout you?
Eternal good, or eternal …really bad? What’s it going to be for you? Do you do anything “to lose it”?! Who really prefers to be absent from the body and …be present with Satan? After all, Hell was reserved for Satan… and for those who follow his way of pride and rejection of God. Think it through. Where do you want to be?
By the amazing grace of Jesus – every human is a short one minute away from the Kingdom of God. Think about it. Be ready now for what’s next for you. (The reality for many, however, is… they are just a short one minute away from Home in Hell.
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
My immortal existence assured
The salvation Jesus gave me years ago assures me my immortal existence will be lived forever inside His Kingdom. I prefer inside – not outside, not on the nothing good side of the eternal divide.
How thankful am I! I know this with assurance because Jesus saved me from my sins, every nook and cranny sin – all of it. Jesus has a practice of saving sinners like me… like you.
Have you been saved? The salvation Jesus gave me is the one-off offer He makes to all of us sinners. “Choose you this day (Joshua 24:15).
That immeasurable joy of arrival
Regarding death
I am not seeking it
However I rather look forward to it
that very very fast twinkling moment
where His plan of immortality
goes from just an exciting “plan for the future” – to
that moment where the God of the Universe
brings His reality to earth by way of the Rapture
and we experience “the real real”
that sudden exchange of incompleteness for the immortal
But for now in this age of grace and sheer mercy
before death happens to me
I will stand firm and wait for it
since my hope is built strongly on the foundation
on nothing more and nothing less than Jesus
I am in a constant “being filled” setting
“being always filled with good courage and confident hope”
waiting uniquely busy but with sweet peaceful rest
for His first Return
fighting deep in the good fight
holding firmly to Christ my Hope
looking to that immeasurable joy of arrival!
How about you?
“we are [as I was saying] of good courage and confident hope, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:8
The fear of death is a trap that enslaves. Jesus abolished death and thus made “fear of death” an unneeded fear. He controls our death, and when it happens, He controls our destination. We can reject that fear because it is baseless.
In Christ we can shout out, “Oh haunting fear of death – be gone!” Jesus saves us from the fear of punishment and doom.
Receive the forgiveness. Only Jesus is a big enough God for this. After all, He is Creator God of all that is! We are in His “Plan for Eternity”. How blessed are we! I want to get out and share this forgiveness available to “whosoever wills”.
My immortal existence
will live forever in His Kingdom.
TOP PIC: RaptureDay. Art by Pete Garcia at rev310.net
What’s next for us here on earth? We can’t say for sure. But we do know a few details from Scripture. And I can say what I’d rather prefer.
Waiting for the Rapture – mentioned throughout the New Testament
Waiting may get you beheaded sooner than you think
The Reality of Incompleteness on Earth
Jesus waited 1952 years for me
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
Jesus will rescue us from the Wrath to come
What we know about the Rapture
Now What’s Next? Randy Nettles asks
God’s prophecies
will always come true.
It’s only
a matter of
“when” and not “if.”
– quote by Randy Nettles in Now What’s Next? at rev310.net
The Key to History | cslewisinstitute.org | Reflections publication | January 2011.
Jesus waited 1952 years for me
One minute away from the Kingdom of God
Today is your last day – and Hell is home tonight
*34 Bible search results for “Mortal” from Amplified Bible at BibleGateway.
Key Verses about “Mortal”: Romans 7:24, Romans 1:23, Romans 6:12, Romans 8:11, 1 Corinthians 15:42-54
*18 Bible search results for “Immortal” from Amplified Bible at BibleGateway.
Key verse about “immortal”: 1 Corinthians 15:42-54
Be this everywhere all the time
When on earth I’m done and gone
The Basic Christian Experience
- Growing into our natural new life in Christ
- Every believer’s new life in Christ [Part One]
- Explaining the Basic Christian Experience [Part Two]
This Hope we have – and what this hope does
Jesus Only Always For All Times
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Discrediting Jesus Excerpt: Have you looked into the claims of Jesus and the evidences Jesus left for us? God’s wish is that all people come to Him. Have you accepted Him for who He is? Are you in on the only Way? Jesus! “Whosoever will may come”
Think about it. Have you strayed from the truth?
Denying Jesus? Excerpt: Maybe fake it like Nancy Pelosi, tolerate evil, or be one of the enlightened folks of Hebrews 6:4-5 and merely “like” Jesus.
There is a place assigned to go
where nowhere else exists but there
It’s far from
where God’s blessings flow
it’s bad and worse
no good at all
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
Feeling Lucky? Note: This “lucky” refers to feeling very fortunate, as contrasted with the less fortunate. It is not suggesting “luck” exists, but only that one can “feel lucky”. Example: “I’m feeling so lucky that I am here in Heaven instead of in Hell.“
Needing something more than Jesus
The one-off offer Jesus makes to everyone
The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”
Could it be true that today only 6% of “Christians” are truly born again?
What God secures you cannot lose
Evidences showing us that Jesus is Messiah
Receiving the forgiveness of God through Jesus the Messiah
Jesus Was The Christ, The Messiah Sent From God
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