The dawning of a new era of grace
So: What happens at the exact moment of salvation in Christ? 1 We are made brand new! And salvation starts with the Holy Spirit coming inside us – to permanently reside in the born again. He makes your spirit alive.
The New Era of Grace
Soon after Jesus the Messiah arose from His grave, He initiated a new era on earth. This new era began on the Jewish “Day of Pentecost” (found in Acts 2). It was on this day that the first followers of Jesus became the first Church, the “Early Church”.
And it was on this day that God first gave believers the Gift, the Holy Spirit. Soon after, they were called “Christians” for the first time (Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16).
The Church of Jesus Christ was established. The dawning of a new era of grace had begun.
“Wait for what the Father had promised”
With the birth of the Christian Church, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit just as He had promised. It is recorded in the book of Acts that Jesus had told them in person before He ascended to Heaven – “wait for what the Father had promised“:
“…you will be baptized
and empowered
and united
with the Holy Spirit,
not long from now.”
– Acts 1:5
The Holy Spirit was not initially given to these first “Christians”. They were told to wait. 2
3 To these [men] He also showed Himself alive after His suffering [in Gethsemane and on the cross], by [a series of] many infallible proofs and unquestionable demonstrations, appearing to them over a period of forty days and talking to them about the things concerning the kingdom of God.
4 While being together and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Of which,” He said, “you have heard Me speak. 5 For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized and empowered and united with the Holy Spirit, not long from now.”
Another period of “dispensation” by God
The first giving of the Spirit… they had to wait for it
New Testament believers before Pentecost had to wait for The Gift (vs 4). We in this new church era – do not wait.
There is actually no visible sign for us that the Spirit entered us. I believe that is why Pentecost was so spectacular. God showed us all with a great miraculous display of power that day – that the Holy Spirit was for all believers.
God had them wait until Pentecost, so we would know beyond a shadow of doubt that His Spirit enters us at the moment of salvation.
A new believer does not wait for the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence. Scripture makes it clear that the Spirit “fills” us immediately when we get saved. His infilling is the seal. It is the proof that we are His:
“…you were sealed and marked
[branded as God’s own”
– Ephesians 4:30
The Holy Spirit in you?
If not, then you are not His – you have not been saved. No Spirit – no salvation.
Nobody gets saved — to then have to wait for a preacher to lay hands on them for the filling of the Spirit (which many Charismatics practice). He resides in us immediately.
Free Refills?
We don’t need a refill when we sin! What we need is a freewill yielding!
Once He is in you – He never leaves. What is needed, when we sin, is confession and repentance (“spiritual breathing”: breath out sin with confession and repentance — and breath in a fresh relationship by yielding anew to His Spirit). Renew our commitment to Him. Yield to Him anew. He is totally all there, never left us, never needs to “refill”!
The Spirit takes up residence inside our insides, and then it is incumbent upon us (obligatory) to continually keep a clean throne in our heart for Holy Spirit to work with us. After all, He saved us from sin. He did not save us to then free us to sin freely!
11 For the [remarkable, undeserved] grace of God that [a]brings salvation has appeared to all men.
12 It teaches us to reject ungodliness and worldly (immoral) desires, and to live sensible, upright, and godly lives [lives with a purpose that reflect spiritual maturity] in this present age,
13 awaiting and confidently expecting the [fulfillment of our] blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, 14 who [willingly] gave Himself [to be crucified] on our behalf
to redeem us and purchase our freedom from all wickedness, and to purify for Himself a chosen and very special people to be His own possession, who are enthusiastic for doing what is good.
– Titus 2:11-14
He doesn’t even answer the prayer of a carelessly sinning believer… much less empower us in that “un-confessed” condition (Psalm 66:18). It’s called “quenching” the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
If I regard sin and baseness in my heart
[that is, if I know it is there
and do nothing about it],
The Lord will not hear [me].”
– Psalm 66:18
In spite of our sin, the Lord is always at work in us – nonstop. He disciplines us like a loving father with His children. 3
In that day (in Acts 2), that Pentecost celebration was the separating of the Old Testament era — from the New Testament era. The mystery of salvation was revealed to be – Jesus! And with His resurrection He brought us into His New Covenant.
The dawning of a new era had begun! Another specific period of time (called a dispensation) was initiated: The Age of Grace. This was, to-date, the greatest period of all for man.
In a big sense, the Day of Pentecost was the culmination of His Salvation plan – for all. Jesus’ death and resurrection provided salvation:
(1) for all who were saved under the Judaic system established by God, and
(2) for all who would eventually repent and follow Him during the Age of Grace (Titus 2:11-14). The Holy Spirit would actually dwell inside us now!
Totally amazing that God would humble Himself to come down to earth to live in us! What love is that!
“On this fourth Feast of the Lord, Shavuot, the Church of Jesus Christ was born.” – Source: The First Feast of Firstfruits and the Resurrection | Randy Nettles | Nov 1, 2023 | www.rev310.net
Jesus was presented to the world, announced, by John the Baptist – the last of the Old Testament prophets, and loudly announced by an audible voice from God 4 John the Baptist was the one that baptized Jesus. He was used of God, fulfilling prophecy – by publicly introducing Jesus to the world there at the river Jordan (Luke 1:1-80).
A most special event
God speaks audibly *See other instances of God speaking audibly
On that special day in history when Jesus was baptized, God spoke audibly from the sky so that all present would hear the announcement: “This is My beloved Son”. 5
16 After Jesus was baptized, He came up immediately out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he (John) saw the [l]Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him (Jesus), 17 and behold, a [m]voice from heaven said,
“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased and delighted!”
God was at that time speaking into a sin-deafened world. With all the witnesses and proofs… we should have no doubt that God is real.
Also see the other references recorded of God speaking audibly: Mattthew 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; Luke 3:22; 9:35; John 12:28.
The Birth of the Christian Church
With the birth of the Christian Church era, God began His New Covenant. What God had said in the Old Testament, through His prophets, was fulfilled in Jesus. “God has fulfilled what He foretold by the mouth of all the prophets” (v18).
His Early Church followers, both Jews and Gentiles, were no longer under the Judaic Law. The Judaic system looked toward the coming Messiah – and now the Messiah had finally come! They were, and we are now – under the age of grace. The OT Judaic atonement through animal sacrifices – was replaced, fulfilled, by the sacrifice once for all of The Perfect Lamb of God, Jesus (Acts 3:17-26).
We are no longer under obligation to obey the Law (to obey Judaic laws for salvation). Yahooo! Yip-yip yippee! We are saved by His amazing grace. 6
Reside permanently
“repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins] and return [to God—seek His purpose for your life], so that your sins may be wiped away [blotted out, completely erased]”
On this celebratory day of Pentecost, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to reside permanently in His followers. This had never happened before. This was a special event, for sure!
After the momentous Spirit-filling of Jesus’ followers, Peter spoke to those who witnessed the event. As recorded in Acts 2:9-11, they were “both Jews and proselytes (Gentile converts to Judaism)”.
14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them:
“Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, let this be explained to you;
listen closely and pay attention to what I have to say.”
– verse 14
As Peter requested of them, we also should “let this be explained to you”. We all should “listen closely and pay attention” to what Peter taught for us all on that day.
38 And Peter said to them,
[change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways,
accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah] and
be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins;
and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
39 For the promise [of the Holy Spirit] is for you and your children and for all who are far away [including the Gentiles], as many as the Lord our God calls to Himself.”
The Holy Spirit was The Gift which Jesus had promised (John 14:15-18;25-26). On this day of the birth of the Christian “Early Church”, Peter told the crowd to get saved. What he meant:
“Repent” 7, “accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah” [ie: …follow me],
“be baptized” [in water – “because of the forgiveness…” not in order to get forgiveness], and,
with this… “you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” [not by water baptism but immediately – as the seal of having salvation] (Acts 2:38-39).
See: Why on earth will God accept you, a sinner?
At Salvation:
In the blink of an eye, the new believer passes
from death – to life,
from condemnation – to no condemnation,
from a destiny in hell – to a destiny in heaven,
from mere humanness – to a child of God.
– Source: That Moment In Time
Martin Luther put it this way:
“I grasped that the righteousness of God is that righteousness by which through grace and sheer mercy God justifies us through faith. Thereupon I felt myself to be reborn and to have gone through open doors into paradise.” – Martin Luther, quoted by David Zahl, Justify Yourself; Christianity Today, Jan-Feb 2017; p.37.
We can accept Christ as Savior and Lord (with sincerity and truth) — anytime. Even if we come to Jesus at the last moment as the thief on the cross did, Jesus then does the work of salvation, not you, not me. Only Jesus does it. We accept – He saves. Always.
See: | The rest of the story of the thief on the cross |
What happens with Salvation
1. Salvation is instantaneous.
Salvation saves you in that very moment – no waiting. God does not wait for you to prove yourself worthy. God does not wonder if you will “endure” to the end! He knows. And He saves the repentant sinner immediately, forever.
We come to God as sinners, undeserving, “just as you are”. He is bigger than any sin and saves any repentant sinner. Only repentant sinners will be in Heaven. Not the unrepentant.
You are saved by God in that very instant. It’s a matter of faith, not of your works, so there is nothing you can do to earn His love and forgiveness. We all simply come to Him in our sinfulness and give Him our all, in repentance.
Salvation is the “undeserved, gracious gift of God”. I am so glad. I will be eternally grateful.
Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is
not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God;
2. Salvation is irrevocable. You can’t lose what God secures!
Nobody nowhere nohow noway can ever take your salvation away from you. There is nothing you yourself can do to earn it, and nothing you can do to lose it.
See: Romans 8:28-39
“…He also justified [declared free of the guilt of sin]”
“… It is God who justifies us [declaring us blameless and putting us in a right relationship with Himself]. 34 Who is the one who condemns us?“
With His type of great salvation we are secure in Him. Never again will any born again believer be subject to His wrath or condemnation. He does not renege 8 on His promise.
This type of salvation that Jesus provides us — is of course predicated on our coming to Him with sincerity and truth, real repentance, and following Him with all that you are (Luke 10:27, Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30). What kind of “faith” is it if you don’t follow it!? James says it is a dead faith (James 2:14-26). It get’s you nowhere but all the way to Hell!
Those who “were not really of us” were never saved in the first place. The work of salvation is never our work – but rather – the work of God. When we repent and accept Jesus – we are asking Him to do His miracle of salvation in us. God will never change His mind about saving you!
3. Salvation makes you family.
Salvation brings you into the family of God as His child. You are then “a child of God”. Before salvation you were not. Without Christ all are merely human, part of His creation, one of His creations. With His salvation you are a new creature “made brand new”.
4. Salvation purifies your soul.
It is the washing and renewing of the Spirit in newness of life – that makes us acceptable to our Holy God. We are positionally made perfect in that moment, declared by His Courts to be forever legally righteous, ready to enter His Kingdom. Are you filthy or beautified?
5. Salvation brings in the Spirit.
Salvation brings the Holy Spirit into you, to reside in you. He is one of the “three entities” of the Trinity, a person of the Triune God. He is Spirit, with no physical attribute.
You have unlimited power inside
…When we become born again, He fills us with His Spirit – and in that instant we have inside of us unlimited power (2 Peter 1:3).
No human can give you that. Jesus Himself promised us the Spirit (John 14:16-17). When you receive Jesus, you repent and ask Him into your life — and the Holy Spirit comes in to reside inside your spirit.
– Source: Your spiritual journey to eternal life
What it is: “begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe.” – Ephesians 1:verse 19
The power in us is: immeasurable, unlimited, surpassing greatness. It is active and spiritual – inside us!
If you aren’t – then you haven’t been! Without the Spirit in you – you “cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” See: John 3:5, Romans 8:9. No puny humans allowed into Heaven – ever. The only ones entering Heaven will be sinners who have repented, been made brand new, and personally indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
What Peter did not say …about getting saved
Peter did not say anything like…
* Be sorry for being bad. Get your act together.
* Try to act better from now on. Be kind to all peoples.
* Be really really loving.
* Jesus is the one we should really really respect and think highly of. Best human ever!
The real salvation experience
Peter explained true salvation in Christ. Do you have this salvation? It makes you ready for Holy Heaven and will make you immensely powerful inside! (Ephesians 1:verse 19)
It is very simple, but specific. It is easy to miss it.
See: One thing you lack – Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler story.
Excerpt from: One thing you lack
Are you holding out? Or… will you bow the knee to God with all you are? (Luke 10:27) …with all your mind, all your strength, with all your soul?
Or, for many so-called Christians in churches today: have you somehow missed the embarrassing evidence that you are NOT EVEN given-over to Him? See: God Damned Believers
Are you so totally disillusioned with the real world that you’ve fallen for the lies and self-centered vanities of white supremacy, BLM or Antifa – or any of the countless other lies of the Devil and his many fraudulent religions?
Or, same result – have you visited Jesus like the rich young ruler did, (Mark 10:17; Luke 18:18; Matthew 19:16) and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities?
Is your way “Jesus plus whatever“? That’s duplicitous. That’s a two-timing, fornicating heart, a dichotomous heart. God will never accept that of any of us. Would you?
– Source: One thing you lack
Turn from – Turn to
When you turn from
your sinfulness
(true “repentance“),
and turn to
Christ for His forgiveness
(“accept Christ” and His ways),
He then recreates you
in that instant
– and you become “born again“.
– Source: About past sins and being forgiven now
Called “Out of darkness into His marvelous light”
In 1 Peter 2:9 Peter explained for us what this salvation by Jesus is all about. God is asking you to repent.
In Christ we move “out of darkness” – the sin, rebelliousness, evilness. And we literally move – “into His marvelous light”. From here to there.
John 12:46…”rely on the truth of My message“
“I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes and trusts in Me [as Savior—all those who anchor their hope in Me and rely on the truth of My message] will not continue to live in darkness.”
True salvation is always followed by:
* Change: “change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways” – Acts 2:38-39 & Matthew 3:2.
* Obedience: “keep and obey My commandments” – John 14:15.
* Godly living: denying “ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner in the present age” – Titus 2:11-12.
Titus 2:11-12 11 “For the grace of God has appeared, [a]bringing salvation to all people, 12 [b]instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner in the present age….”
Matthew 3:2 “Repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life], for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Salvation is the most momentous act that God will ever do for you – IF you repent and accept Him as Lord and Savior. Salvation is a result of God’s great love.
“Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.”
– John 15:13 NASB
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
– 1 Peter 2:9 AMP
See: Promises God makes about your salvation
When you get saved 9
Getting saved starts your eternity. In that moment of time – you actually begin a new life filled with His Spirit, an eternal life that continues-on after the death of your body.
See: | This is salvation in Christ |
| Your Spiritual Journey to Eternal Life |
“Him who called you
out of darkness
His marvelous light.”
– 1 Peter 2:9
Getting saved
is the most momentous event
of all your eternity
Missed Understandings about the Spirit
Way toooo many just do not get it. A lot of teachings and traditions of man have been made up. Christianity does not follow man’s ways. We follow God’s Way – what God had written down for us — in the Bible.
Many are being taught wrong teachings about the Spirit. As if a wayward church doctrine comes from the Bible! Read closely what is actually written in Scripture — testing what teachers say. I, for one, do not want traditions of man. Who wants to follow mere man?
What good is my faith – if I follow what is not from God?
He is spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a liquid poured into us. Our soul is not half empty or half full of the Spirit! He is always in us, and always full!
It may feel like He has left us when we sin, but by faith we take Him at His word. He has promised to “never leave you nor forsake you“. He is always inside us, but we can “quench” the Spirit. We nullify His power in us when we sin, when we do not respond to Him.
19 Do not quench
[subdue, or
be unresponsive to
the working and guidance of]
the [Holy] Spirit.
– 1 Thessalonians 5:19
But He is still all in, even when we fail Him. We must constantly cleanse our hearts and minds so that He will not be “quenched” inside us. We must yield to Him with a renewed mind… so we do not walk in the flesh, so we will be full of His power.
When we have His salvation – we have His Spirit in us. When we are “living in the Spirit” He can thus give us encouragement and guide our path. I often pray a short prayer,
“Lord cleanse my heart, encourage me, and guide my steps today.”
See: | The Complete Pentecost Experience?
What happens at the moment of salvation in Christ? With the birth of the Christian Church era, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit. Here it starts….
The Holy Spirit was The Gift which Jesus had promised (John 14:15-18;25-26). On this day of the birth of the Christian “Early Church”, Peter told the crowd to get saved. What he meant:
“Repent” which means: “change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways“.
See: Turn from – Turn to, “accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah” [ie: …follow me],
“be baptized” [in water – “because of the forgiveness…” not in order to get forgiveness], and,
with this… “you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” [not by water baptism but immediately – as the seal of having salvation] (Acts 2:38-39).
“This is My beloved Son”
Matthew 3:16-17
“…and behold, the heavens were opened,
and he (John) saw
the [l]Spirit of God
descending as a dove
and lighting on Him (Jesus),
17 and behold,
a [m]voice from heaven said,
“This is My beloved Son,
in whom I am well-pleased
and delighted!”
That Moment in Time Excerpt:
There is a certain moment in time when everything changes, when a mere human is transformed by God into a completely different type of human. It is that life changing moment when a sinner accepts God’s free gift of forgiveness, bowing before God in repentance, acknowledging Christ as Lord of all.
That moment changes everything for that person. Nothing is the same anymore. A new creature has been born – really and truly “born again” into new life in Christ. This magic moment!
Your “New Leaf”…once you have repented
Getting to Heaven is not a religious thing
Entrance granted into the eternal
Your Spiritual Journey to Eternal Life
Jesus Only Always For All Times
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
Baptism in the Bible (water baptism) Excerpt: The most obvious illustration of salvation without water baptism is — the thief on the cross. The thief was told by Jesus Himself that “this day you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:39-43). Obviously the thief did not climb down off his cross, go get baptized, and then return to die on the cross! Jesus told the thief that he was born again in that moment in time — without having to be baptized in water. The same is true for all of us. (Also see: Acts 10:44-48)
Following Christ Excerpt: Folks: we need to be serious about this matter of following Christ.
If you are not following Christ, then you are not saved.
I cannot be the judge of that, but God will. He knows. Pay very close attention to James, because James tells it like it is: (my paraphrase)
You may have made a profession of faith in Christ
but if the actions of your life
contradict Jesus’ teachings —-
then your profession is dead,
and you are not really saved.
Actually you are still damned.
James actually put it this way:
But are you willing to recognize,
you foolish fellow,
that faith without works
is useless?
– James 2:20
The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul
The Mystery of the Gospel has been revealed
Who is this Jesus of Nazareth?
God is not the same as His Laws | by Dennis Swick
Jesus Was The Christ, The Messiah Sent From God
Jesus Predicted His Death and Resurrection – Luke 18:31-34
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
Ephesians 5:15-21. The Holy Spirit’s Filling
Rely on the Spirit of God in you Excerpt: It is the Holy Spirit (Philippians 1:6) that begins a new work in us — from the very moment of salvation in Christ. And God promises (Philippians 1:6) that He continues that good work in us all the way through to His return.
At salvation:
In the blink of an eye, the new believer passes
from death – to life,
from condemnation – to no condemnation,
from a destiny in hell – to a destiny in heaven,
from mere humanness – to a child of God.
– Source: That Moment In Time
At salvation...what’s happen’in? (Based on article: That Moment In Time)
Never Again
Hell is real
Windows into Heaven
What God did for man
Children of God
Rely on the Spirit of God in you
The controversy of God speaking to you directly
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
Is God restoring the offices of apostle and prophet?
Elevating the Word over experience
Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
Why might many Charismatics not be saved
They in fact have seen nothing
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
Sorry, not sorry: Why the NAR prophets’ apologies for getting things wrong don’t cut it – by Holly Pivec Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’: Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches
Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’… Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches. Written By Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
What Is a Cult? The 6 Telltale Signs to Look For from Crosswalk.com
How you can know you are a Christian
The gift by His precious undeserved grace
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
if the actions of your life
contradict Jesus’ teachings —-
then your profession is dead,
and you are not really saved.
Actually you are still damned.
– Excerpt from Following
Lord, Father, I bow my heart before you (…a prayer for today)
Mold me as an instrument of use (Today in You, for You, for others I will be …kind and helpful… forgiving)
- “There is a certain moment in time when everything changes, when a mere human is transformed by God into a completely different type of human. It is that life changing moment when a sinner accepts God’s free gift of forgiveness, bowing before God in repentance, acknowledging Christ as Lord of all.
That moment changes everything for that person. Nothing is the same anymore. A new creature has been born – really and truly “born again” into new life in Christ. This magic moment!” – Source: That Moment in Time.
- – Source: The New Covenant: Jesus said He would send the Helper, the Spirit of truth – the Holy Spirit who would write on our heart (Hebrews 10:16), inside us – instead of on tablets of stone (like God did for Moses).
Read more about the Helper: John 14:16;John 14:17;John 14:26;John 15:26;John 16:7;Hebrews 13:6
See: | Hebrews 1:1-4 | Hebrews 8 |
| Hebrews 10:1-18 | Hebrews 10:19-25 |
| Hebrews 10:26-31 | 2 Corinthians 3 |.
- See: Romans 6:13
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
Hebrews 12:6
For the Lord disciplines and corrects those whom He loves, And He punishes every son whom He receives and welcomes [to His heart].”Hebrews 12:10
For our earthly fathers disciplined us for only a short time as seemed best to them; but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness. - Biblegateway Footnote: Matthew 3:1 Considered the last of the Old Testament prophets, John the Baptist was the son of Zecharias (Zechariah) the priest and his wife, Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Mary, the mother of Jesus, were related
(Luke 1:36. [See the account in Luke 1:1-80])…. John the Baptist is not to be confused with John the Apostle who along with his brother, James, was among the twelve disciples of Jesus.
- Biblegateway Footnote: This is the first instance recorded in the Gospels of the Father speaking audibly to His Son.
- Now without excuse, no longer ignorant: Acts 3:17-26 – “times of refreshing”
17 “Now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance [not fully aware of what you were doing], just as your rulers did also.
18 And so God has fulfilled what He foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ (Messiah, Anointed) would suffer.
19 So repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, regret past sins] and return [to God—seek His purpose for your life], so that your sins may be wiped away [blotted out, completely erased], so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord [restoring you like a cool wind on a hot day]; 20 and that He may send [to you] Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must keep until the time for the [complete] restoration of all things about which God promised through the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.
22 Moses said, ‘The Lord God will raise up for you a Prophet [b]like me from your countrymen; you shall listen to Him and obey everything He tells you. 23 And it will be that every person that does not listen to and heed that Prophet will be utterly destroyed from among the people.’
24 Indeed, all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came after him, also announced these days. 25 You are the sons (descendants) of the prophets and [heirs] of the covenant which God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your seed (descendant) all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’ 26 It was for you first of all that God raised up His Servant and Son [Jesus], and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways. – Acts 3:17-26.”
- which means: “change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways“. See: Turn from – Turn to.
- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/renege.
- Titus 2:10-14 “…adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.
11 For the grace of God has appeared, [h]bringing salvation to all people,
12 [i]instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and in a godly manner in the present age,
13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of [j]our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus,
14 who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, eager for good deeds. – Titus 2:10-14.
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