Allow God to save you
He is waiting for you, waiting patiently for you to get done with your own ways, and turn to His Way. Truly, what are you waiting for? Careful there …He will not wait long.
The Bible teaches us that when you accept God’s free gift of “being set free” See FAQ, you allow God to save you forever. He will not force you into Heaven. He is a God of love, The Ultimate Love of the universe. God’s love does not cajole, manipulate, nor strong-arm mortal souls.
The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]
– 1 John 4:8
God is at work
God by His Spirit is working in all the hearts and minds of those in the world who do not know Him (John 12:32). His Spirit convicts people of their sinfulness, and convinces them of His love for them. To those who respond to His love, seek after Him… He draws near to them.
“…32 And I, if I am
lifted up from the earth,
will draw all people to myself.”
33 But he said this,
signifying by what
kind of death he should die….”
– John 12:32
He is wooing us to Himself, convincing us of Truth, convicting us of sin – asking us to turn to Him. He will give you the will and the determination inside yourself to have faith in Him, to believe Him. Or you can choose to reject Him.
See: 1 Corinthians 1:17-25
“…the simple message of the cross of Christ.“
That faith you find
That faith you find to believe – it is actually from Him (Ephesians 2:8). We just draw near to Him in response to His moving in our heart. He starts the faith inside us. Amazing that He cares enough for sinners to do that.
Any and all may come to Jesus for salvation. God is not just calling some. God is calling all people to repent and follow Jesus. From there we continue our journey with “all the privileges and rewards of a new life with Him”.
– Source: “Whosoever will may come”
We choose… one way
You obviously cannot walk two roads at the same time – can’t serve two masters at the same time. There is a choice to make.
Our will, our choice, is involved in turning to Him, but that effort is not what saves us. We never merit anything from the Savior. It is His moving and working within us that brings us by grace to Himself. And when we are there… it is our moment of IF. The choice is always ours to make: We choose one way or the other.
One Minute Away from The Kingdom of God
Romans 9:16
So then God’s choice is not dependent on human will, nor on human effort [the totality of human striving], but on God who shows mercy [to whomever He chooses—it is His sovereign gift].
Romans 11:6
But if it is by grace [God’s unmerited favor], it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace [it would not be a gift but a reward for works].
Ephesians 2:8
For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God;
The Apostle Paul himself is an example (in 1 Timothy 1:15-16 here) of a “whosoever” type Mark 8:34 who did… come to Jesus:
“Here’s a word you can take to heart and depend on:
Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.
I’m proof—Public Sinner Number One—
of someone who could never have made it apart from sheer mercy.
And now he shows me off—evidence of his endless patience—
to those who are right on the edge of trusting him forever.”
– 1 Timothy 1:15-16 MSG
Never again condemned
If you believe with a New Testament sense of the word… He saves. And it’s forever. If you believe in the modern sense, well, that won’t do it, and… He does not save. And you remain under condemnation. That is a most scary thought, because way too many have “that useless believe sense” about salvation.
The New Testament sense of the word
Biblical “believing in Jesus” is a special type of “believing”. It means – being all in with all that you are, not just bits and pieces, not just a mental assent. Have you taken the bait for “easybelievism”… instead of a biblical “believe”?
– Source: The “all-in” type of believing section linked in the article: What saves you
Accepting Jesus has to come from you this side of the veil …before you die. After death, the wait is over, and Jesus judges you there where you next arrive.
For those who accepted Christ in this life — it will be totally… Awesome!
We have a choice to make while here. Have you chosen Christ?
– Source: Just beyond the veil Also see: Death was just a doorway
God is not fickle…never ever
Being “saved” means forever “never again condemned”. As in forever-never-ever-again-condemned. God is that capable. He can and does discern the intent of your heart when you come to Him in prayer. Refer to: Malachi 3:18, Malachi 3:13-18,
Then your maidservant said, ‘Please let the word of my lord the king be comforting, for my lord the king is as the angel of God to discern good and evil. May the Lord your God be with you.’” – 2 Samuel 14:17
God sees the repentant heart that is truly sincere and truthful, that yields to Him for salvation. And that person is saved.
Giving-out recalls
God is not from Ford or Toyota, giving-out recalls. When God saves, He makes a promise to save. And He does that. No repairs, no fix-its. He will never renege on that promise. Our Wise-Beyond-Comprehension God will never …recall, retract, recant, backpedal, go back on, take back, back out, back off, fink out, unsay your salvation MirWeb: renege.
What, you say? Unsave you? Not possible. Once God has granted entrance into the Eternal Kingdom… You say He’s going to recall your “salvation” and boot-you-out of His grace?! Negate His grace? That is sandlot boys-in-a-treehouse club thinking. Impish.
Lose the salvation God has granted? …To teach that type of salvation? Using MirWeb: That is a rogue monkey doubt, mischief sown by the devil imp …that rapscallion reprobate fiend due for the pit of Hell.
Does Christ’s shed blood on the cross — not work for you after you’ve reached the red line of “too much sin”? Is it not effective eternally, to eternally forgive? Come on! Believe God’s Word. Trust His promise. Don’t listen to the Imp-types.
God tells us to forgive – how many times? (Matthew 18:21-22) How many times is it? Is He up there counting…? Not the God of the Bible.
Greater than all our sins
Our Forgiving God is Greater than all our sins. Sin is not the issue in our “salvation equation”. Jesus paid it all on the cross. Sin has been taken care of for all of us: one death for us, forgiveness all at once, for all who repent (past, present, and future sins). His grace is that large. He’s got us covered.
But we must reach-out to Him and accept that gift. What good’s a gift not ever received?!
“But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the right [the authority, the privilege] to become children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name” — John 1:12
The sinner’s heart issue
The problem with being under His condemnation is a heart problem. Got a cracked heart?
The heart is exceedingly wicked (Jeremiah 17:9, Genesis 6:5). It comes with the unbearable burden of the Fall of Man and God’s consequent damnation, His forever God Damn We must humble ourselves, seek Him, confess that we are sinners – and repent. That is the issue.

Arriving to Heaven. Welcome Home!
I absolutely trust in this by God,
the biggest promise
ever made to repentant sinners:
Do you have His salvation?
Don’t loose-out on what you can’t loose
once you receive it!
– Source: Promises God makes about your salvation
God is unmitigated. 1
Ever thought of that? The God who put together the Bible – has unmitigated force and strength, love, mercy and grace, holiness and justice. It will never work to tell God, “Lighten up!”
Nothing mitigates this God. Absolutely nothing will ever soften, mollify or “fix” Him. Because?
Because He is perfect and complete in everything that He is. The wonder of it all is that God wants us, sinners, to be with Him in His Kingdom.
– Source: Our Unmitigated God.
Choose to change eternity
He is waiting, asking, not forcing. He wants all of us to come into His Holy Kingdom. The one problem is: we are not holy. Without Christ – sin reigns, and thus we are under condemnation. Don’t go on blindly letting sin reign until Hell is Home. See “set free” references
Be willing, not unwilling
Get saved. “Jesus will not accommodate to your wishes and to your beliefs.” Don’t opt-out on Him.
Today we want options. We want everything to come with options. “Opt for this. Opt for that….” We want to choose for ourselves what we want. And we want to leave out what we don’t want. Many religions and philosophies allow that. They will accommodate you. Whatever suits you, is fine, some say.
In complete contrast, Jesus will not accommodate to your wishes and to your beliefs.
Using dictionary.com God will not adapt to you, fit into your agenda, nor let you suit yourself.
He is not obliged to you for anything. He is not trying to do you a favor.
He invites us to enter into His Kingdom. He does not promise to build you your own kingdom! The ditties “Have it your way” and “I did it my way…” do not apply to God’s way.
Source: Accepting Jesus- plus some other
There are those who persist in rebellion, stiff-necked, resisting God’s work in them. Still so dull? Still sneering? (Jude 1:10, Acts 17:30-31) 2
“You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers did. – Acts 7:51
Still sneering? Or now accepting?
When that lightning quick final moment “ends you” 3 and you find yourself of a sudden kneeling, [still unforgiven], alone before God Eternal in His Majestic Court….
– Source: Still sneering?
What good’s a gift
not ever received?!
*based on — John 1:12
Unwilling to come to Me
What God wants is that we follow Him in all things. He requires a heart committed 100% – a Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation.
Never has Jesus ever required 100% sinless “repentors”. We willingly come to Him “just as I am”, recognizing our need for 100% cleansing. We bring our soul to Him 100% in need of rebirth. He then begins a work inside us to mature us to be more and more like Christ. We kneel in our heart and commit 100% of our heart.
– Source: Letting it reign until Hell is Home
Born Again …reborn from above
When one accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, salvation is instantly received from God Himself. One is born again of God – and Heaven rejoices: A human creature has been born again!
Never again will that reborn human return to the condition of the common man of sin (See BibleGateway Search: all have sinned), because he-she has been declared free, set free, and set apart for new life in Christ. New life happened.
You habitually practice sin?
Scripture is unequivocal, very clear in this. If you “deliberately, knowingly, and habitually” practice a sin… then salvation escaped your grasp. You are still on your way to that other place, not God’s Holy Kingdom. In 1 John 3:9 we are told:
“No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because God’s seed [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently] in him [who is born again—who is reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him.” – 1 John 3:9 AMP
Hypocrites are not faithful. They are not true. And they keep company with others of their type.
There is a place assigned for “hypocrites”. Jesus said: that place is for the ones who think they are faithfully serving The Master, but they are not. They are not faithful and true. The hypocrite is the one that “eats and drinks with those habitually drunk.”
– Source: A place for hypocrites

Sheep. Georgi Kalaydzhiev. Unsplash.com
“he is free indeed” – instantly… John 8:36
And when the Judge of All sets a person free – “he is free indeed” (John 8:36). Hallelujah. The Holy Judge in God’s Holy Courts of Heaven does not make that determination lightly (as corrupt judges on earth may).
The rich mindset of God is faultless, so He never makes corrections. There is no Appeals Court in God’s realm of Heaven. None? That’s right, yes, because His declarations are perfect and just.
So when God hears your confession of repentance and sees through to your bare open heart strings, He knows you to the bone, and makes a determination on the spot.
He does not need to wait for you to “endure to the end” in order to make sure you are genuine and truthful. He knows the truly repentant instantly and so He saves instantly.
The fake confessor does not fool God. No silly platitudes of ingratiating violin strains move Him. The “sorry, so sorry God” excusing whine is not what He is looking for. The sorrow of regret, the tears of “whoa is me” of the religious cracked heart fellow will not affect God and bring Him in to be fooled. God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).
His declarations are
perfect and just
He died for you
God is easy, light-handed, gentle (Matthew 11:29-30). He is The One Almighty, loving beyond all measure (John 3:16). So there is plenty of grace, plenty of room at the cross for you. Yes, even you. You are not an exception. Bow within your heart and yield your will. That is what He requires.
The wonder of it all
is that God wants us,
to be with Him
in His Kingdom.
– Source: Our Unmitigated God
For Further Reading: About God… Short Studies About God.
And he replied, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” – Luke 10:27
The very clearly delineated message of salvation from Jesus Himself, the Gatekeeper to Heaven, is: “deny himself…”, express “a willingness to endure whatever may come”, and “follow Me” – which means “believing in Me, conforming to My example in living”… rejecting sin.

Time. Jeremy Thomas. Unsplash.com
“And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].” – Luke 9:23
Now is the acceptable time to bow the knee inside your heart — to the Savior. Tomorrow may not dawn for you again. And then what?
There is not a chance in Hell to turn to Jesus there in that place. You must be born again here and now, Jesus said. Just do it.
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
– Revelation 3:20
Article pending:
Have you been
welcomed Home
to His Holy Kingdom Heaven?
(What God Requires of us)
God forgives
all wrongdoings
of all repentant sinners,
no exception
The very clearly delineated message of salvation from Jesus Himself, the Gatekeeper to Heaven, is (Luke 9:23): “deny himself…”, express “a willingness to endure whatever may come”, and “follow Me”. That means “believing in Me, conforming to My example in living”. It’s free. It’s simple. But it will cost you.
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
The Gospel of Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul
How you can know you are a Christian
Sin is not the issue in salvation
Getting to Heaven with no Left Foot
One Minute Away from The Kingdom of God
God and Man have free will with which to make a choice
The One-Off Offer Jesus Makes To Everyone
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
The Power of Now | Andree Seu Peterson | “The power of now”, in World Magazine | Oct 29, 2005 | (She quotes: The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer).
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
Receiving the forgiveness of God through Jesus the Messiah
Trying God’s patience too long
Letting it reign till Hell is Home
God’s grace teaches us to reject sin
The message of salvation spoken by Jesus to Paul
Salvation and Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
Even if you die, you will live
The Security of the True Believer
Entrance Granted Into The Eternal
16 “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] [a]only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.
– John 3:16
Can Jesus forgive you? Answer: John 3:16
Set free See FAQ: Being Set Free
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
I’ve been “declared free of guilt”
Jesus can save your soul for all eternity
Born of God “you were justified [declared free of guilt]”
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Excerpt: Never has Jesus ever required 100% sinless “repentors”. We willingly come to Him “just as I am”, recognizing our need for 100% cleansing. We bring our soul to Him 100% in need of rebirth.
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”
God’s Fantastic Home – for those who follow Him
Could it be true that today only 6% of “Christians” are truly born again?
Growing into our natural new life in Christ
This is part of a series on Every believer’s new life in Christ: Ephesians 1
- You are here: Growing into our natural new life in Christ
- Every believer’s new life in Christ [Part One]
- Explaining the Basic Christian Experience [Part Two]
God wants all of us to be saved
Jews and anyone else who rejects Jesus
Trying God’s patience too long
Letting it reign until Hell is Home Excerpt: Unwilling to come to Me
What God wants is that we follow Him in all things. He requires a heart committed 100% – a Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation.
Never has Jesus ever required 100% sinless “repentors”. We willingly come to Him “just as I am”, recognizing our need for 100% cleansing. We bring our soul to Him 100% in need of rebirth. He then begins a work inside us to mature us to be more and more like Christ. We kneel in our heart and commit 100% of our heart.
Fake your way into heaven? …site search: “fake”
- What is the synonym of mitigate? …allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, help, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe.
Words Related to mitigate: abate, lighten, moderate, soften, temper. cure, heal, remedy. amend, correct, emend, fix, mend, rectify, reform, repair.
– Merriam-Webster - “sneer”: merriam-webster |express scorn or contempt; scornfully jeering manner.
- merriam-webster: transitive verb – 1a to bring to an end –b destroy.
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