The End Times
The times are now, what Jesus called “the end”. So take note now of what we Christians say. Listen up.
“…and then the end.”
– Jesus in Matthew 24:14
We only say what God has said to all. His Word is clear – an easy read. 1
We speak not from our own thinking, but from what we read in the words of Jesus and His disciples – contrary to the NAR-types who speak their own words and pretend they are direct words of God!
Beware of these deviate apostate “Christians”. Their NAR-type churches will still be full of pewsitters after the Rapture. There are reasons God will reject so many of them.
Don’t miss the Rapture!
The world is not getting better. You think? Fearfully evil dark things are here! Unbelievable things.
If you continue to reject the good news of salvation and forgiveness for sin, you will miss the return of Jesus. You do not want to be left behind. The thing to do? Accept Jesus at His Word. Believe in Him now. That way you will escape the wrath to come. Get-in on that E-ride!
Jesus came here the first time to be born a baby boy, to live and die, be buried — and rise again from the dead. He showed us proofs of His divinity that only willful minds reject. Only Jesus taught, “I give them eternal life“! And yet, even so, many will not believe.
The Rapture evidence is your last chance. What greater proof of the veracity of Jesus’ message can one wish for?
Jesus, the greatest prophet ever, said He is coming back soon. We know Jesus will return. He said:
” 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and I will take you to Myself….”
– John 14:2-3
“when it comes to pass”
The prophets prophesy, and, when it comes to pass – “then they will know [without any doubt] that a prophet has been among them.”
But as for the prophet who [on the contrary] prophesies of peace, when that prophet’s word comes to pass, [only] then will it be known that the Lord has truly sent him.” – Jeremiah 28:9
So when it comes to pass—as it most certainly will—then they will know [without any doubt] that a prophet has been among them.” – Ezekiel 33:33
“Then you will know”
Jesus told the people that He would die on a cross, and three days later rise again. They did not believe Him.
So Jesus said, “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am, and I do nothing on My own, but I say these things as the Father instructed Me. – John 8:28
“Then you will know”… because He told them before it happened. I write this now – just like as Jesus said it,
…so that when it comes to pass — you will know
And they remembered His words…” – Luke 24:8
When you hear of the great disappearance of the saints of God, remember their words. They said they would disappear! Recall what Christians taught beforehand.
Remember that we said: Jesus promised to return. He will “gather all His saints”. We are going to be snatched up to meet Him in the air.
Take note now and remember then…. We will be snatched up, taken away by God Himself. We will see God, Jesus, coming in a cloud — just like as His disciples saw Him lift off from the ground as He left the planet, walked the clouds, returned to His Holy Kingdom Heaven.
In like manner we will lift off, be raptured as He predicted, as we now believe in faith, as we now bear witness to you of what will come to pass. Read about it now. There’s a chance you might be convinced. Maybe now. Maybe later. Maybe not till after it comes to pass.
My advice for now
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place. It just might be what you need.
When it takes place
You will most definitely hear about this when it takes place. You may have family and friends who disappear all at the same time. Remember then what we said now.
You will hear the government spin, the phony news, media fluff. Don’t believe them. They are in disbelief. They’ll probably spin an alien UFO story to cover what they disbelieve.
But on that day: not you. You’ll know. You will remember what we said. Their theories and misinformation will fall flat — if you remember what we Christians said today.
Remember that Jesus still loves you. He loved us all enough to suffer as a man and die on our behalf – while we were still rejecting Him. That was real. And He can save you for real. Turn from – Turn to… Jesus who saves us from His just condemnation of sin.
There is a coming fight new believers after the Rapture will endure. Many will struggle to believe, but for them the End Times fight may defeat them. Not you. You will remember.
Take note now.
“This is a fight we’re in”, walking this planet. Jesus said real terrors are in the wind. Christians will be snatched away in an event called the Rapture. Turn to Jesus before you are left behind. Remember we told you beforehand.
Can you really see what is going on in the world?
John 8:12-30 Excerpt:
“[a]I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”
“I am going away, and you will look for Me, and you will die [unforgiven and condemned] in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come.”
Fearfully evil dark things are here
About Evidences for faith in Jesus
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
Believing eyewitness witnesses
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” Statements
God spoke through prophets and Jesus – the greatest of all
Long before His birth prophets spoke of Jesus the Messiah
The Wonder of the Birth of God
When it comes to God, who wants mere opinions?
Why “the end” Jesus foretold is now
50 Reasons Why We Are Living in the End Times! – By David Reagan
Why look into biblical prophecies?
Why we are understanding so many prophecies now
What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?
Fast popping time-release capsules of prophetic words
What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?
Forecasting prophecies as they growl and thunder over yonder!
Matthew 24:Verses 32-36
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
Receiving the forgiveness of God through Jesus the Messiah
God forgives sin by His Holy Holy Justice
The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul
I’ve been “declared free of guilt”
Legally Damned – Legally forgiven
The Godman Jesus said “Follow me”
What God has going on with us here on this planet
The tragic error many live in all their life
The End Times fight you might not win
Many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world
“By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error”
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
“Escape all these things that are going to take place”
Satan’s progressively degenerate agendas
Waiting for the Rapture – mentioned throughout the New Testament
What we know about the Rapture
Jesus will rescue us from the wrath to come – This post is coming soon
The secret truth decreed by God 1 Corinthians 15:50-53 Excerpt:
51 Listen very carefully, I tell you a mystery [a secret truth decreed by God and previously hidden, but now revealed]; we will not all sleep [in death], but we will all be [completely] changed [wondrously transformed], 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye….”
Jesus promises an End Times Rapture (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10; Luke 21:36; Revelation 3:10-11)
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place Excerpt:
“A swift barrage of events will unfold in the next seven year period:….”
“What to do if you are left behind after the Rapture:….”
A swift barrage of shattering events will unfold after the Rapture – coming soon
Five Big Time Events Coming Soon
First, Apostasy, then Antichrist, then the Rapture
Do we see the Antichrist just prior to our rapture trip?
Waiting may get you beheaded – sooner than you think
Pretending their word is God’s Word
Wandering Stars. The Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR pt 1
NAR-types are changing God’s Way, denying the Old Testament
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
They in fact have seen nothing
Do not attend apostate churches
Verify Jesus. Verify, verify, verify
The Gurus in Christian churches
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