There are many “proofs” for God. Scripture reveals to us, without a doubt, that Jesus is the Messiah. What is the “credible proof” God provided to everyone, according to Paul?
Prove Me Wrong (annotated version)
The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
Arguing with God
Are you seeking to know God? How’s that going for you?
Verify Jesus. Verify, verify, verify
There is an immense amount of “Fraudulent truth” out there (as in “erroneous”). It is pervasive, threatening to inundate “real truth”. What difference does it make? Are you discerning the difference?
An incomplete list of the types and prophecies Jesus has fulfilled
How many prophecies (Old Testament and New Testament) do you estimate Jesus fulfilled? Answer: A lot! Irrefutable evidence that the Messiah came to earth.
Evidence for all Jews and Goy that the Messiah came to earth
God furnished proof for us to believe in Jesus: plenty of evidence to show Himself to us, to show us the truth of the resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion. He has shown us us the Truth, the reliability of His Word, the Bible, and so much more. Evidence is clear and speaks truth. It all behooves us to look in to it, and believe.
Why God is against me IF I claim my words are God’s own
IF I claim my own words are God’s own words, I am looking for the approval of the church. But God is not impressed. In fact, He says “I am against you….” He knows He did not say that Himself! Are you into that?
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
Isn’t it astounding to consider that God Himself has revealed future events to special prophets. Does your faith allow you to believe that? Are you listening?
It is bare open
The other day a man walked through the door of a bar in the countryside. I could see where his heart was, deep inside him, because a well-beaten path led back to his own door. His heart was bare open, plain to see. Our hearts are laid bare open by …the evidences smeared all over the course of our life.
About Evidences for faith in Jesus
A series about evidences we have — for believing faith in Jesus.
Scientific visualization proofs for an Intelligent Designer – God
Scientists are discovering more and more new evidences for the existence of God — and not admitting it. Graphic pictures of our DNA (top of this page) totally astound with evidence of an Intelligent Designer (otherwise known as “God”, Jesus the Messiah, Creator of all that is). There simply has to be a growing cognitive dissonance within the wise guys’ social clique.
Research God for yourself
Jump-start your God search. Use these additional research sites to explore.
The Fool Says
So, what kind of fool are you…? Remember the popular song saying this? “What kind of fool do you think I am?”
Trace your God back to the origins of your faith
When it comes to God and your faith: What’ you got? I’ve got real, actual, tangible, historical and scientific evidences for my faith in Jesus. Jesus wins-out over all other contenders.
Ask the questions where you’ll get the truth
Funny how we tend to believe what we’re going to believe – no matter what others say. Been there? The same is true with our beliefs about God. Eternity at stake! Why not inquire more deeply and seek to know the truth about God? Dive in, there is plenty of evidence to convince a sincere mind. After all, we’ll spend an eternity with our belief!
Is your light actually darkness?
Light and darkness are what is good and what is bad (Luke 11:33-36). It is God’s Word, the Bible, that fills us with light – not any of the multiple, vain, man-made philosophies cooked-up to make us feel wise. Have you shined the light of Jesus around you lately?
What if?
What if God really does exist? What if you are wrong about God, and He really walked the earth as Jesus? Wouldn’t you want to know more about Him? Do you really want to just live your life – and die having rejected “the only real God” and His message in the Bible?
Cognitive Dissonance
Many believe in the historic general Napoleon, because of historical records — but confronted with even more and greater historical evidences, do not believe in the historic Jesus, God come down to earth as a man. What cognitive dissonance… that extreme feeling of discomfort some folks get when their core belief is challenged or contradicted.
Needing something more than Jesus
If in your faith in Christ — you are also needing something more than Jesus, then you are most likely being led astray, taught by a counterfeit charismatic movement leader or a New Age church. These charming charmers, false teachers, “turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons”.
Do you believe in Napoleon?
For me, “Jesus proofs” are so incontrovertible, so historically accurate, SO convincing… that I have given-over my life to Him. Jesus lives today and is coming again to receive His followers up into His Kingdom. Are you ready for that?
Furnished Proof
Who do you believe? Jesus? Satan? Some self-appointed guru? Your choice will divide eternity for you.
Making God a Liar
While on earth Jesus taught about Himself, His impending death on a cross, and His plan of salvation. Jesus claimed to be God. And we have “three witnesses: the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the voice from heaven at Christ’s baptism, and the voice before he died. And they all say the same thing: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” (1 John 5: verse 8) God is saying all of this to each of us, so clearly. If we do not believe this, we are effectively calling God a liar.
Know Your Evidence
…evidences for a confident faith in Christ Jesus
Patterns of Evidence
A debate rages over the credibility of the Bible. Most archaeologists today have concluded that there’s no evidence that the Exodus of Israelite slaves from Egypt ever happened. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney faces a crisis of faith, “Is this foundational event of the Bible really just a myth?” He embarks on a 12-year journey around the world to search for answers. -A 2 hour presentation from the site:
Without Excuse
God has shown Himself so clearly. God exists! All those nay-sayers, agnostics and atheists – are without excuse. They are just not willing to admit it, because then they would have to deal with it! Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been […]
The Importance of Evidence
Evidence of the truth of the gospel of Jesus is presented to us in many ways. If you fail to grasp a hold of the truth, it is only because of your failure to look and believe. The evidences are all over the place! If it happens right there in front of you – do you believe it? However, something that happened before we were born – has to be shown to us by evidences. What does it take for you to believe something is true?
Prove Me Wrong
The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
This Man, Jesus
Jesus was a man who really did walk the earth. There is no doubt whatsoever that he really existed, because the historical evidences are overwhelming – proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was born. This man claimed to be the Messiah, God. So what have you done about this? Being in denial will not save you in the end.
Historical Evidences
Credible evidences are why I believe in Jesus, and follow Him instead of other gods. How about you? Have you done your research?
DNA Symmetry
DNA is “the substance that carries the instructions to make life. Who made that?