PIC: The-Dead.The-Book-of-Life.and-Eternity. PeteGarcia at rev310net
The Bible makes it clear that God is trustworthy.
See: All in one link or 1 Corinthians 1:9, 1 Corinthians 10:13:
“God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy”.
God is not reckless. He is not fickle, not willy-nilly.
9 God is faithful [He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise—He can be depended on], and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
– 1 Corinthians 1:9
Paul says here that God is:
- faithful
- reliable
- trustworthy
- ever true to His promise
- the One through whom we are saved
“He can be depended on”
“He will do it”
He will do what He says.
His written Word, His Book of Life, His Promises, His Heaven & Hell… are all His, all trustworthy.
And when it comes to your salvation — “He will do it“. Why? Because God Almighty is faithful and just (1 John 1:9). Paul said all this here:
23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [that is, separate you from profane and vulgar things, make you pure and whole and undamaged—consecrated to Him—set apart for His purpose];
and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and [be found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He who is calling you [to Himself for your salvation], and He will do it [He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you, and protecting you as His own].
– 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
God does the saving
We don’t “do it”. God does it.
A note to NAR-types: So don’t go adding-on your thoughts, making-up new doctrines from what you think might be God’s will. That’s absolutely wrong! Those lead to destruction.
It’s His call, not yours. God does the saving for eternity. He saves us from our sin. He is faithful to do it…His Way.
“He will fulfill His call
by making you holy,
guarding you,
watching over you,
and protecting you
as His own.”
– 1 Thessalonians 5:24
What God does for us? Verse 24 “Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He…”
- He is calling you
- Calling you to Himself for your salvation
- He will do it
- He will fulfill His call
- He will make you holy,
- He will be guarding you,
- He will be watching over you,
- He will be protecting you as His own
This was also said way back, long ago, in Deuteronomy 7:9.
“Therefore know [without any doubt] and understand that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who is keeping His covenant and His [steadfast] lovingkindness to a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments” – Deuteronomy 7:9
Got a made-up version?
Do you know “without a doubt” that God is faithful to you? Do you “understand…“?
Are you faithful to HIM? It just might be that actually you are being faithful to your own made-up version of HIM? Do you follow the True version?
Salvation. True version – False version
Our part in salvation…1 Corinthians 15:57-58
After He saves me by His grace, my part of this equation is to work with God in all of who I am: “your spirit and soul and body” (v23). We should all say:
My part in salvation is: (per…1 Corinthians 15:57-58)
- Give thanks to God
- Know it is God who “gives us the victory [as conquerors]”
- Be beloved brothers and sisters
- Be steadfast
- Be immovable
- Be always excelling in the work of the Lord
- Be “always doing your best”
- Be doing more than is needed
- Be aware… “being continually aware that your labor [even to the point of exhaustion] in the Lord is not futile nor wasted [it is never without purpose]”
- Know that what we do in His service “is never without purpose“
What is your part in this “salvation”. Why did you turn to God? Or I could ask in the vernacular:
What for did you turn to God? 1
See this in: 1 Corinthians 15:57-58
The Holy Spirit resides in us, and is persuading us by His great love for us — to be more and more like Jesus. Paul says God is at work in us by His Holy Spirit to…
“separate you from
profane and vulgar things,
make you pure
and whole
and undamaged
—consecrated to Him
—set apart for His purpose.”
– 1 Thessalonians 5:23
This is our part in that salvation that He has given us. (Not to earn it – but to show it.) All who enter Heaven will have been faithful to Him (Matthew 25:21). No exceptions. Since Old Testament days, God is faithful “with those who love Him and keep His commandments” (Deuteronomy 7:9).
We get to the part of loving Him and keeping, and following Him… after He saves us. This is truth, a trustworthy statement – because “faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26).
11 This is a faithful and trustworthy saying:
If we died with Him, we will also live with Him;
12 If we endure, we will also reign with Him;
If we deny Him, He will also deny us;
13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself.
– 2 Timothy 2:11-13
Denying Jesus vs Being Faithless
There is a vast difference between “denying Jesus…” and “being faithless…”. To deny Jesus is to reject Jesus. But a believer who has accepted Jesus may at times become “faithless”, but God Himself is not faithless toward us.
This passage says, basically (here in my own words):
I will most assuredly never take away your salvation. That is my promise to you. When you go through difficult times and are faithless – I remain faithful to my promise of having saved you. My salvation is so very much BIGGER THAN all your faithless sinfulness! I’ve got your back. I HAVE YOU safely in my hands. I remain faithful. That is who I am.
Denying Jesus
Never deny Christ – ever. Denying Jesus? Warning! You don’t want to stay there – denying Christ. Denying is damning.
Being faithless
Are you drunk as a skunk, sliding deep in the miry clay, stuck in the muck like a pig in a sty!? Yet born again, you think? Get out of there, ’cause you’re acting like you belong! Who you going to call? See: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
We reject our sin through repentance, and we show we are saved by following Him in obedience. (100%! *Not 100% sinless, but rather 100% given-over to Him in our heart.) He does the saving – and, with that saving… we do the accepting. We accept Him “with sincerity and truth“, and follow Him. (Or not.)
- No actual “following“? Then no actual salvation.
- No sincerity of heart? Then God does no saving.
- No truth with your confession? Then, well, you know.
Two types of people…in all the world
1) He remains faithful to us who sincerely gave Him 100% of our heart… those who are truely His own. But 2) some religious types were not real with Him. And those? He rejects.
The two types of people:
1) His followers: those who accept and follow Him.
2) Rejectors: those who deny and reject Him. Matthew speaks of the rejector-deniers:
“But the one who denies
and rejects Me before men,
that one
I will also
deny and reject
before My Father who is in heaven.”
– Matthew 10:33
“For this reason I [am ready to] patiently endure all things for the sake of those who are the elect (God’s chosen ones), so that they too may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it the reward of eternal glory. 11 This is a faithful and trustworthy saying:
If we died with Him, we will also live with Him;
12 If we endure, we will also reign with Him;
If we deny Him, He will also deny us;
13 If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself.”
– 2 Timothy 2:10-13
My favorite story of salvation…found
The Thief on the Cross is the story of a verifiably horrible sinner who was hung next to Jesus. This bad guy was at his end. He would not walk away from that spot. He was hanging in agony, dying with Jesus the Godman next to him.
And he made his “confession of faith” right there. Nothing formal, nothing great about it. He believed in Jesus, confessed it as he gasped for breath. And, right there on the spot — Jesus saved that thief.
No years of proving himself faithful to Jesus… that horrible sinner simply believed and accepted Jesus as God. And his heart was 100% sincere and truthful. The thief was saved immediately by God Almighty.
It always amazes me – this story (Luke 23:39-43). Some of Jesus’ disciples were at the foot of the cross and heard that interaction. And it is thus recorded for us in the Bible. We can read more about it there – the rest of the story of the thief on the cross.
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].
Our confession makes our eternity
He saves us in it (during our confession) because of His grace, and we… (per Matthew 16:24)
* we bring Him 100% of our heart
* we deny ourself [set aside selfish interests]
* we take up our cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come]
* we follow Him [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].
That is Matthew 16:24. Jesus said the same thing many times, giving us specific salvation parameters He requires. We don’t become saved because we worked at it! Not at all. Salvation in Jesus, after all, is a special gift Jesus is offering us. It is not something man makes up.
If we make it up, if we mess with His unchanging Way through Jesus… well then, we mess-up our eternity~~
Accepting all that Jesus Christ is and does
…or else we stop short of getting saved.

PIC: Last Supper. Pete Garcia art at rev310.net
Religions offer salvation. But religions do not make up a “salvation” that opens Heaven’s Gate for us. False teaching “Christian church leaders” do not offer-up a salvation that actually saves you. They fail you in everything they offer.
They have changed what God offers, replacing it with their own versions. All are delusional replicas and vain attempts to mullify God. And they… fail.
That is why we should always carefully examine the Bible to see what Jesus really expects of the sinners He died to save. Be Berean and examine what they say right there in your church.
Are you willing to bet your eternity on what misleading religions offer, or what false teachers in the church offer?
I say: Prepare your eternity with great fear and trepidation. Look it up yourself! Read more of OMGjesus. We give actual Scripture – not mere opinion nor false versions of Christ.
When did you begin to fail to understand “wrong”? Look again. Maybe you are wrong with Jesus? It’s not too late to get it right… for eternity’s sake!
God saves us according to His Word, and we do the following – following Jesus. This is what “salvation by grace” is all about. Salvation is what God does to us by grace.
“He will do it” vs24
We truly are saved by Jesus as we receive Him. But our part, believing, has to be spot on: We receive Him with sincerity and truth, and live-out our works, showing we are truly His child (John 1:12). Grace apart from works is dead.
Song of Solomon 2:16
(The Shulammite Bride)
“My beloved is mine and I am his; He pastures his flock among the lilies.
Now I belong to Jesus
Jesus is…
“the God
to whom I belong
and whom I worship”
– Acts 27:33
English Standard Version Anglicised

PIC: Jesus-is-coming-back. Art by Pete Garcia at rev310.net
He keeps His Covenant…Deuteronomy 7:9
God “…is keeping His covenant…with those who love Him and keep His commandments” (Deuteronomy 7:9). What an encouragement that is to me. He is keeping His covenant, and I’m part of that.
Do you “love Him and keep His commandments”? God does not keep His covenant with misbelievers. Misbelievers missed the whole point Jesus made on the cross. The tragic truth is the tragic error: Those who miss believing as He requires, miss salvation.
It was right there, but they missed it. They maybe even looked like, smelled like, acted like, talked like… (Hebrews 6:4-9) but they were not obedient to His Word. (We are of course not saved by being obedient! But if we are not following Him in obedience — that shows we were not actually saved. Something was off. We blew it! No bueno! Scary thought.)
The truly born again will perhaps be disobedient on occasion, but we are NOT habitually disobedient to the point of practicing what God forbids. We keep His covenant.
We do not go out and make our own pitiful covenants and have our prophets say what we want to hear! Good grief! How ungodly is that? We don’t get to Heaven by keeping our sin and changing what God Himself started.
We must understand that this is His world. His world – His Way.
“But are you willing to acknowledge,
you foolish person,
that faith without works
is useless?”
– James 2:20
25 The one who loves his life [eventually] loses it [through death], but the one who hates his life in this world [and is concerned with pleasing God] will keep it for life eternal. 26 If anyone serves Me, he must [continue to faithfully] follow Me [without hesitation, holding steadfastly to Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me]; and wherever I am [in heaven’s glory], there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
– John 12:25-26
“For it is by grace …that you have been saved“
8 For it is by grace [God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ] that you have been saved [actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life] through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [not through your own effort], but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God; 9 not as a result of [your] works [nor your attempts to keep the Law], so that no one will [be able to] boast or take credit in any way [for his salvation].
– Ephesians 2:8-9 AMP
Feeling Lucky? …Who God Saves
God does not save the unlucky person, even by His marvelous grace, who does not follow Him in obedience. You don’t just waltz in, say “Okay God. Looks good”, then walk out and do your own thing.
The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”. The concept of getting saved without then obeying and following Jesus is not in the Bible. Your confession and obedience matters. You must, God says, repent. You must produce, as James 2:20 says. Matthew says: ”
58 Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord [always doing your best and doing more than is needed], being continually aware that your labor [even to the point of exhaustion] in the Lord is not futile nor wasted [it is never without purpose].
– 1 Corinthians 15:58
“Choose you this day whom you will serve” (KJV)
– Joshua 24:15 AMP
God does not save the unlucky person, even by His marvelous grace, who does not follow Him in obedience. You don’t just waltz in, say “Okay God. Looks good”, then walk out and do your own thing. The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”. The concept of getting saved without then obeying and following Jesus is not in the Bible.
The tragic error many live in all their life
Was your confession accepted by God?
Why Jesus will say to some, “I don’t know you”
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.
– Matthew 7:21
God Damned on earth…damning
“…simply living your life – without Christ, living in rebellion against God, refusing to bow your knee to God, refusing his free gift of eternal life, living for anyone or anything else but Christ, against Christ, against what God has established, forever against God’s call to repent of your sins and have only this fleeting life, not turned to God in repentance, not accepted God’s free gift of acceptance into His Kingdom, not accepted Christ as Lord of your life, not had God change you into a forgiven child of God and yet have the opportunity now to accept Christ as Lord and Savior”
Keeping sin and getting God’s Holiness also…Excerpt: Is there any legitimate sin?
No. It’s not happenin’ folks. God does not legitimize any sin. He has already damned sin – and the sinner. And the final judgement is coming in the end.
“For [godly] sorrow that is in accord with the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation; but worldly sorrow [the hopeless sorrow of those who do not believe] produces death.”
– 2 Corinthians 7:10
“What then could I do when God arises [to judge me]?
When He calls me to account, what will I answer Him?”
– Job 31:14
About past sins and being forgiven now
This does not save you…Or not!
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentan sinners – no exception…God can forgive anyone of any sin. Anyone. Anything. He is that merciful and loving. God’s message is very clear on this. But what if I don’t repent?
Right on the edge of trusting him forever
The most important thing when you are rich Excerpt: Chose life. Chose Jesus. Nothing else comes close. Don’t just stay on the edge of faith – dive deep. Be real with Jesus.
I have set before you
life and death,
the blessing and
the curse.
So choose life
in order that
you may live….
– Deuteronomy 30:19
Being God Damned (in Hell) Excerpt: Being God damned in hell is to be forever damned, forever without God, without joy, without happiness, devoid of God’s goodness, without any good thing (since God is good), forever doomed in gloom, defeated, beaten, always restless, never satisfied, never…
The Forgiving God…Forgiveness by God
Caught-up with a practice God has said not to practice?
Consequences of supporting evil
Salvation. True version – False version
What Jesus taught…the true version
What God asks of us in the Bible
Promises God makes about about your salvation
Getting to Heaven with no Left Foot
Practicing sin – not following Christ…habitually disobedient to the point of rejecting Him
Caught up with a practice God has said not to practice…practicing what God forbids: being disobedient.
The True version…We keep His covenant. We do not go out and make our own! Good grief! How ungodly is that? How ungodly? So unglodly we remain under His condemnation.
Keeping sin AND getting God’s Holiness also…We don’t get to Heaven by keeping our sin
Changing what God started…We must understand that this is His world. His world
His Way – The Gospel of Christ is unchanging
Are you being warned by the Holy Spirit about being “out“? …Excerpt: Got a cracked heart? It has happened to others before you came along. It could be true with you too. Have you gone out? Does that possibility not terrify you? How very very terrifying to think “I’m not saved?” I am so weak of heart, I cannot walk for long alone until I waver and am flooded with old fears.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
– 1 John 2:19 KJV
What are they teaching right there in your church?
Letting it reign untl Hell is Home
There comes a time to stand for Jesus or deny Jesus
A note to NAR-types:
So don’t go Making God Speak…adding-on your thoughts
Show me actual false teaching…making-up new doctrines from what you think might be God’s will.
Speaking with love about what is true and what is false…That’s absolutely wrong!
Those lead to destruction: Wandering Stars. The Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR pt 1
God is at work in us
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
Road Sign: God is at work up ahead
God is not reckless in any way Excerpt: The God of the Bible is loving, and gives thought aforehand about all consequences of His actions. He knows what’s up before it happens, so nothing He does is “reckless”. He cannot be “…careless, freewheeling, heedless, inattentive, incautious, mindless, regardless, unheeding, unmindful.” Saying God is reckless – is not factual UrbanDictionary.
Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him
Salvation in Christ is beyond huge
Know that you know you know…know “without a doubt”
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
What we will be like in God’s Home Heaven
Divine Mysteries Revealed by the Godman Jesus
The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”
Sincerity and truth Sincerity: in one link or: Acts 2:46; 1 Corinthians 5:8; 2 Corinthians 1:12; 2 Corinthians 2:17; 2 Corinthians 8:8; Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22.
Confirm & Affirm why Jesus will accept me
Being 100% given-over to Jesus Excerpt: Jesus warned us not to be dishonest with Him
There are “tares” (weeds; the unrepentant: Luke 3:17) in churches today – tares amongst the true wheat. And many of them, the unrepentant, are yanking on the pastor’s left ear, tearing it (pun). Pastors need you true Christians yanking on his other ear, encouraging him to preach all the gospel. Which one are you – tare or wheat?
Never Again…God Himself is not faithless toward us
The false versions
Scripture Twisters (2 Peter 3:14-18) | by Robert L. (Bob) Deffinbaugh | graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary | “God has spoken fully and finally in Christ” (Hebrews 1:1-3; 2:1-4)
100 Bible Verses about Twisting Gods Word | openbible.info
About False Teachings of Today
BibleGateway Footnote for 2 Peter 3:17 I.e. the people who teach a distorted doctrine.
The Bethel Johnson’s Unbiblical Teachings
Old Sarge Comments on Charismatic practices
- In 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 we learn:
“you turned to God from idols
to serve the living and true God,10 and to [look forward and confidently] wait for [the coming of] His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead
—Jesus, who [personally] rescues us from the coming wrath [and draws us to Himself, granting us all the privileges and rewards of a new life with Him].“
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