You perhaps have seen graffiti like this:
Jesus is coming!
Jesus is coming soon!
Unlike most graffiti (like “The Sky is Falling!!) – this one is a message from God found in the Bible. It is true. Jesus is coming soon. I rather like this line: 1
Prepare for Eternity now!
Prepare Your Eternity
For all of us, it is good to prepare for Eternity… prepare way prior to getting there. You think? For something this valuable, it is certainly worth being sure you are really really ready. I certainly don’t want to be the unlucky virgin type! (Got oil? Hear about The Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13?)
The Bible contrasts the two sides of eternity: Heaven and Hell. With those two on the way, it is extremely advisable to examine our “eternal preparedness”. Are you prepared? Make sure you have correctly interpreted God in His Word. If you have not, there will be Hell to pay.
As we think of meeting-up with Him, it behooves us to review and ask, “why will God accept me“. Do you know what God expects of you this side of “the Veil”? When you come to Him for salvation – what does He require? His Word is simple, but extremely precise.
Practicing what God is against
We cannot make God’s expectations for Him. How ridiculous would that be! God has not authorized any private choice to interpret Scripture our own way. What what what!? (See 2 Peter 1:20-21 MSG and see it again in the AMP version). What are they teaching right in there in your church?
Many people in churches are practicing what God is against. They are messing with God — expecting Him to conform to their thinking. But the Truth is: He established His Way for us. We are to obey Him, not add to what He already told us. (That would be “making God speak“.) It is too scary for me to even contemplate doing: making my own way on purpose. That would be practicing sin.
Think like God Almighty
If we are on our way to His House – it is incumbent upon us MirWeb meaning to begin a habit of thinking like Our Father. After all, He is Master of the Universe (and beyond).
We must see God’s will His way, or there is no way to be on His side. The big question is: Will you be on His side of eternity in the future? Or will your present day’s private interpretations be so wrong that He relegates you to His alternate universe – a hell of a place.
Be on His side of Eternity
Why God rejects anyone is no mystery. He lays it all out plain as can be.
God rejected all of us – way, way back in time. Every single one of us. We were born disqualified to enter His Holy Kingdom. But why would God reject anyone? Read Romans 3:23.
– Source: Why God rejects anyone
“For all have sinned,
and come short of
the glory of God.”
– Romans 3:23
His message is clear
If we get it wrong, “it” being His message: The problem is not from a lack of clarity. God is the greatest communicator of all time! His message is very clear. The clearest of His pronouncements was: “You must be born again.” See: John 3 with focus on verses 3-7.
The problem is not the message. The problem is our stubborn egotism MirWeb: an exaggerated sense of self-importance and pride. We choose to tweak His message (1 Corinthians 1:23). And thus… we do not think like God Almighty, and our “truth” conflicts with His Way. Think about it. Have you strayed from the Truth?
They know – You don’t
Get on most any blog or comment section of a website these days and you will most likely find very confident commentors sounding like they know what God wants. Yet what they stand for – is often not biblical at all. And their thinking thinks they are just fine with God.
Some get it wrong this way, and some get it wrong — this other way. Same result: they are on the wrong side of God (the condemning side).
The Truth is: God has determined what is Truth, and He’ sticking to it. Woe on those of us that get it wrong. God is Love, yes. But He has told us what is what. God is love. But He is also Truth. God is the forgiving God – but God is also the damning God. Make sure you know what is what with Holy God. Don’t just listen to your friends!
God is unchanging. We, the puny humans, must change – not Him. Don’t be the fool who thinks he is the one that might get lucky with God. You only get lucky in Las Vegas (if you’re lucky). But then you keep at it, and soon they have all your money! There is no luck with God – only His sure Word for salvation in Jesus.
A Heavenly decree against us
After all is said and done, there is a great divide between Heaven and Hell. And we enter one or the other realm by accepting or rejecting God’s loving offer to win against sin. Yes, it must be understood: There is a striking Heavenly decree against all humanity. It is made by the One in charge, so we better pay attention. You think?
Have you actually thought about this lately? Examining ourselves and listening to God is a timely exercise of precaution that may change the site of our eternal home. Our site in eternity will be either Hell with Satan, or Heaven with God.
* The wildly unpopular choice: Choosing Jesus… “Beating” God’s decree against us by bowing the knee and accepting Jesus as Savior.
* Overwhelming most popular (by the numbers) – the other choice: Just remain the same, stay the way you are. If you are cool with moving to the hot spot, fine. Be that way. I sure do advise against that destination.
Where will you check-in
when on that day you check-out here?
Excerpt from Our final check-in to Heaven for “a full and perfect reward”:
What will your final “check-in” be like? Going to Hell, and checking-in there? Or: Are you on your way to Heaven and the final-check-in there (1 Corinthians 3:8)?
Yes, even the born again will be judged for how they lived-out their life on earth. We will all arrive there, but some …like as if their clothes are a smokin’, having lived badly. Saved, yes, but arriving with clothes a smokin’ from God’s displeasure (“…as [one who has barely escaped] through fire”).
– Source: How do you want to arrive in Heaven?
Prepare Your Eternity
In the natural, sometimes when I think of meeting God the Almighty, face to face — I am terrified, overwhelmed with great fear and trepidation MirWeb. Quite the word, “trepidation“. It means “painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger.”
The word trepidation Mir Web “adds to dread the implications of timidity, trembling, and hesitation.” Meeting God is no small thing. It is the most significant event in our pitifully picadilly life. Everyone should be fully in pain, very agitated inside our soul, as we contemplate the dangers of being in His Presence.
Is your god so small that you don’t give him a second thought? Do you not ever fear and tremble, hesitate timidly before Him? Or are you busy trying to win the arguement you have with Him? Must you go all the way to Judgement Day before you realize He wins?
“…Do you not even fear God…?”
–Luke 23:40
Hit the pause button, and think: What must I do to be saved? Am I “okay” with God now, or am I “missing the boat”? Am I IN – or am I – OUT? Has God accepted me already? or Has God rejected my prayer for salvation in Christ? What are His requirements?
- Will God accept me when I die? (Why not!?)
- What requirements did Jesus and His Gospel give us for salvation? (What truth am I missing!?)
- Is there anything unpardonable – an unforgivable sin? (Is there anything in me that needs His forgiveness, still?)
I get an overwhelming, almost smothering dread, about salvation when I put words like these together: fear, dread, fright, alarm, panic, terror, trepidation. My terrors in the dark place threaten to break me down. I somewhat feel the horrors of sinners in the Johnathan Swift sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Google it
And yet, God is more than The Judge. As I just wrote: Yes He is The Damning God, but He is also The Forgiving Father. He is love. According to Scripture, God is easy, light-handed, gentle. He loved each of us to such an extreme degree that He hung on a cross for us.
“My yoke is easy,
and my burden is light”
– Matthew 11:30 KJV
What have you to lose?
When you kneel before God in His Holy Kingdom, will you still want what you want now? Here on earth’s ground,
What is of value when compared with Heaven’s grandeur?
Did Jesus not love you enough?!
What I rather prefer these days is so indicative of how highly I value Heaven. How about you?
To what extremes
will you go
to follow Jesus,
only Jesus,
and reject all others?
What is your preference? …this, that, or the other thing? Or… to follow Jesus only?
Or are you one of those…?
* Are you one who really, really “likes” God’s offer — but you never live-it-out? See this as described here in Hebrews 6:4-5.
Want it? Live it? Stay with it?
* Or are you clearly rather…
Loving the world? Merely liking Jesus? Loving Jesus less?
Being wrong with Jesus? Denying Jesus? Contradicting Jesus?
* Or are you one of “those who are people of faith” — who never chooses only Jesus… but are always flitting this way and that “carried about by every wind of the moment”? (Ephesians 4:14) Are you described by James 2:18-26? 2
“So that we are no longer children [spiritually immature], tossed back and forth [like ships on a stormy sea] and carried about by every wind of [shifting] doctrine, by the cunning and trickery of [unscrupulous] men, by the deceitful scheming of people ready to do anything [for personal profit].” – Ephesians 4:14
Quite a Quandry …Running ahead of Jesus
“Are you content with what Jesus taught? There are certain discontented ones among us who have run “on ahead” and gotten into strange teachings. God is not on their side.” – Source: Do you have God?
“Anyone who runs on ahead and does not remain in the doctrine of Christ [that is, one who is not content with what He taught], does not have God; but the one who continues to remain in the teaching [of Christ does have God], he has both the Father and the Son.”
– 2 John 1:9
To an apostate, it is not enough — what Jesus taught, and what Jesus provided to us through the New Testament prophets. They are not content with Jesus’ teachings alone. So they are the ones who add to the Bible. They “run on ahead”, “not content with what He taught”. They are always promoting “a new revelation”, new visions, new dreams, new words from God, another “word of knowledge”. 3 – Source: Do you have God?
We start this earthly journey quite messed-up. God has us in a quandry, there in our early beginnings. And so we must consider Him worth knowing. I assume you’ve heard this expression:
Damned if I do.
Damned if I don’t.
The Bible teaches:
I’m damned if I do nothing.
And, I’m damned if I don’t get right with Him.
But praise God the Bible also teaches:
I am forever forgiven
…if I follow Jesus.
I’ll never ever be condemned again
…if I follow Jesus.
The God of the Bible is powerful beyond imagination. In one fell swoop He wiped-out condemnation for those who believe.
“For by the one offering
He has perfected forever
and completely cleansed
those who are being sanctified.”
– Verse 14 of Hebrews 10:14-18
Now THAT’S a great BIG powerful GOD!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is summed up in these two verses. See both verses here: Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:9
Romans 3:23 since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God,
1 John 1:9 If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just [true to His own nature and promises], and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness [our wrongdoing, everything not in conformity with His will and purpose].
“He has perfected forever
and completely cleansed”
That message from God tells us: Our salvation is past tense. It is done already! And it is complete already! We need not fear He will forget what He accomplished. We need not fear His cleansing is incomplete. We were under condemnation. But now? Never again!
Being saved means forever never again condemned
Scripture prepares us…so that we could prepare for Him
Down through the ages, Scripture was prepared for us – so that we could prepare for Him. We can know what He expects of us. We do not have to add any more words from God. Don’t miss His salvation – because you messed with it.
The problem is quite amazingly simple: We want what we want. We want what we think. And that, my friend, is called: sin.
Sin is what separates us from Holy God. And Jesus came down to earth specifically to prepare us against sin. Jesus provides His Way of salvation.
The Bible is “able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation”
Follow Jesus
Salvation is freely given, freely received. But it will cost us. We must follow Jesus, not merely say a simple prayer and then go on doing our own thing.
Matthew 4:19
And He said to them, “Follow Me [as My disciples, accepting Me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I walk], and I will make you fishers of men.”
The Bible contrasts the two sides of eternity: Heaven and Hell. It is extremely advisable to examine our “eternal preparedness”. Are you prepared? Make sure you have correctly interpreted God in His Word. If you have not, there will be Hell to pay. Nobody can accept His salvation – and reject His Words.
Romans 11:20
…They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand by your faith [as believers understanding the truth of Christ’s deity]. Do not be conceited, but [rather stand in great awe of God and] fear [Him]
Why the Bible Excerpt: He inspired these prophets to write His messages. His messages to us are infallible in their original languages [Hebrew in the Old Testament (OT) and Greek in the New Testament (NT)]. Folks have tried to disprove it – like, forever. Never works-out for them. Ask an honest archaeologist: It is a miracle of God that the Bible has been created and preserved for us down through the ages.
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks Excerpt: Our faithfulness to Jesus is being tested by Him. What is His testing showing you about your practices and faith? Our worldview can show us that (1) we are in agreement with Jesus, or it can, tragically, (2) reveal we are on a different faith-track than what Jesus taught us. If we are off His faith-track, then we are off His Salvation-track. What track are you on?
What God asks of us in the Bible
The Bible is “able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation”
What happens when you do not know what the Bible says on a matter?
What knowing the Bible does for you
The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you.
Believing eyewitness witnesses
How to Study the Bible: Study Guide
The Old Testament is still Truth for today
About False Teachings of Today …private interpretation
Does saying a “sinners prayer” save one from going to hell? Answer: of course not!
If we do not think like God Almighty thinks
I fear the wrath of the Damning God
Needing something more than Jesus
About being Apostate… following “another gospel”
What are they teaching right in there in your church? Excerpt: False teachers and prophets (v5) may counsel “rebellion against the Lord your God … to draw you away from the way in which the Lord your God has commanded you to walk. So you shall remove the evil from among you.”
Why might many Charismatics not be saved?
See: in one link or: 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Deuteronomy 18:9-22,
“I am against you”, God says Excerpt: REFERENCES for “I am against you”. One link or:
Deuteronomy 6:15, Deuteronomy 31:27, Matthew 22:29, Ezekiel 13:8, Ezekiel 13:9, Ezekiel 13:20, Ezekiel 14:9-11.
“By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error” …are you listening to Jesus and His writers?
Excerpt: Many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world. Sadly, their teachings are pure junk. We must guard against them. Who wants to be following untruth? I, for one, want to follow Jesus Himself, the real Jesus — not a false antichrist.
Test for truth 1 Thessalonians 5:21
There is a simple test John puts forward here in 1 John 4:1-6. We can easily test those who teach the Bible. We must – to know if they are of God or actually a wayward heretic apostate….
Simple test: “The one who knows God listens to us; the one who is not from God does not listen to us.” (v6) [The “us” is the New Testament writers]
6 We are from God.
The one who knows God
listens to us;
the one who is not from God
does not listen to us.
By this
we know the spirit of truth
and the spirit of error.
– Verse 6 of 1 John 4:1-6 NASB
Matthew 7: verse 16
16 By their fruit
you will recognize them
[that is,
by their contrived doctrine
and self-focus].
Misrepresenting God …what Apostate Chrisitans do – and thus God says, “I am against you”. God says. What do you say?
Following the Jesus who was not God
That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking
What is your brand? Excerpt: What is your brand of Christian?
A brand brings attention to what you stand for, who you represent. Some of us need to break our brand MirWeb “brand” #4- a characteristic or distinctive kind. Conform to Jesus (Romans 12:2), not the world, nor apostacize away from the faith given to us by Jesus — not adopt the brand of many a local church near you.
I fear that if we looked inside our insides and compared ourselves with “God’s normal“, many of us who call ourselves “Christian”… would fail the biblical test. God is at work in us. We are being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God.
No New Revelations in these End Times
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
Pretending their word is God’s Word
The Old Testament is still Truth for us today
Our final check-in to Heaven for “a full and perfect reward”
Blessed by forgiveness by The Hand of God our Savior
Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
The Work of Salvation Excerpt: God’s work of salvation was done by Jesus when He came down to earth: when He became the Godman, when He died on the cross, when He was buried, when He arose from the tomb, when He ascended back up into Heaven.
From the beginning of time, He wants all of us to be saved. And now HE is saving people from Hell — in that very moment when they first believe.
Salvation in Christ is beyond HUGE Excerpt: The “iron-clad” humongous type of salvation we have in Christ, or, on the flip-side…
“The limits of what God will do for sinners”.
Limited Grace Excerpt: God does offer salvation to all mankind. But you must come with sincerity and truth, and identify totally with His Way… not stay in your own sinful ways. Salvation is offered to “whosoever will…”, but the “will” must accept and follow Him – obey His Way. (KJV: Matthew 7:24; Matthew 12:50; Mark 8:34; Luke 6:47; Revelation 22:17) You must be born again.
Psalm 51:1
Pray this Psalmist’s prayer, confess, repent, and then… follow Jesus.
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness;
According to the greatness of Your compassion blot out my transgressions.”
– Psalm 51:1
Windows into Heaven Excerpt: what He told us it is going to be like for those who follow Him:
- It will be instant. Luke 23:39-43; 1 Corinthians 15:52
- We will all be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:50-53
- Built by God. John 14:2-3
- Without prior notice. 2 Peter 3:10
- Inexpressible. 2 Corinthians 12:4
- Comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
Confirm & Affirm why Jesus will accept me
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
Being saved means forever never again condemned
Extreme to the nth decree Extract: Our loving Father God is so loving – that He is love. But that extreme love is totally impacted by His extreme holiness.
How you can know you are a Christian
Is your life fruit – agape love?
Salvation is a God thing Excerpt: Salvation comes from Jesus, not from anywhere else or anyone else: not from religion, not from one who calls himself a prophet, not from any church leader, not from trying to be good enough for God, not from any effort or great thing you may do – nothing else can save you from the future wrath of God, but God Himself. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, revealed to us in the Bible, shows us what God expects of us. We have been created by God, and thus it is God that has the final say, not us.
Jesus Brings Us To Creator God
Small gods and our great BIG Beautiful God Excerpt: Maybe YOU are your own “god”? Who you going to call? Suggested reading: Your God Is Too Small: A Guide for Believers and Skeptics Alike Paperback – June 1, 2004; by J.B. Phillips.
“For by the one offering
He has perfected forever
and completely cleansed
those who are being sanctified.”
– Verse 14 of Hebrews 10:14-18
Now THAT’S a great BIG powerful GOD!
“All the privileges and rewards of a new life with Him”
Don’t disallow your privileges!
It’s a good thing – being privileged.
God makes you privileged.
This is natural for us so put it on
If I Were To Let Sin Reign In My Body
Letting it reign until Hell is Home
We are the odd creature are we not
1 Corinthians 6:9-10. My unauthorized paraphrase:
Don’t you know this!?
…that those
who live their own way
will not actually
get into God’s Kingdom?
They won’t have even
the slightest share in it!
What We Are To Be – Romans 12 Excerpt: It appears to me that
a lot of folk nowadays want what Jesus offers, but they don’t want to actually “follow” Jesus. Many might even enjoy the fellowship of true believers (Hebrews 6:4-6). They might even call themselves Christians — but, there just isn’t any evidence of having been truly born again. If you don’t see any of “Romans 12” in your life, in your lifestyle, in your worldview, in your daily doings, you might be advised to take stock, and “see whether you are in the faith and living your lives as [committed] believers.”
Can Jesus Forgive You? …a very timely message, anytime
God’s grace teaches us to reject sin
God is asking you to repent Excerpt: Repentance is admitting your sinfulness to God, in a prayer, and turning away from that sinfulness – turning to God. The word image is – stop, turn around, and go the other way.
When we are living for self, without regard to God and His agenda, then we need to stop, turn around, away from “that“ — and actively walk towards God (repent) – actually start following His agenda instead of our own agenda (actually follow Him).
Acknowledge God and consider Him worth knowing
The non-stop work of God inside you and me
How you can know you are a Christian
The Gift by His Precious, Undeserved Grace
Going to Hell?…His alternate universe – a hell of a place.
Heavenly decree against us Excerpt: There is, in God’s realm, a heavenly decree against us. This decree, by God, condemns us to be separated from God forever. But there is a way to receive His heavenly pardon.
I can think of nothing worse than having a decree declared against us by Creator God Himself! What could be worse!?
We are the odd creature, are we not? Excerpt: It really does matter how I live my life. What I do now affects the life just beyond the veil. So I have determined this: I live now for later. Since I am human, I will continue to fail God and myself, but I “run a tight ship”, as a mariner would put it. I refuse to allow bad fruit to become acceptable. I’m livin’ it to the max! I rather prefer being an Ephesians 4:22-24 Christian.
Claiming a sin as – God’s will for you
The Great Water Down of Jesus’ Message to us all
How much is Heaven worth to you?
Body by God Excerpt: Understanding my life’s Care and Content Label
It´s like we all have a tag on the back of our neck. Just like any pair of jeans – the designer stitches-in his name. I have a tag on me, and it says: Body by God….
Jesus Returns to Earth Twice in the End Times
Waiting for the Rapture – mentioned throughout the New Testament
Jesus will rescue us soon from the Wrath to come
What we know about the Rapture
Becoming fiery hot, glowing, Rapture Ready Watchers
A world-wide trap is being sprung soon
Normalcy Bias says – “Rapture can’t happen now!”
The terrific party coming. Be there! – Revelation 19:9. Do you know the way to God’s fantastic party?
Saving Knowledge Excerpt: God tells us in the Bible about His terrific party (Revelation 19:9) soon to be held — and His Way to get there.
‘Blessed are those who are invited
to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’”
You’ll never get to the party if you have no knowledge of how to get there, and consequently you never take those steps towards the party. You’ll miss it for sure.
At death – we put on immortality
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
A world-wide trap is being sprung soon
Dealing with the consequences of missing Rapture
On our way to His House
The Kingdom of God is very exclusive, very luxurious, very special
One Minute Away from The Kingdom of God
We don’t get into a Holy Kingdom by being sinful
Those who like it but don’t live it
When you are wrong and just don’t get it
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
Fake faith gets you nowhere you want to be
How much is Heaven worth to you?
Become an Ephesians 4:22-24 Christian
22 …that, regarding your previous way of life, you put off your old self [completely discard your former nature], which is being corrupted through deceitful desires, 23 and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude], 24 and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation]. – Ephesians 4:22-24
Unbeliefism Excerpt: I am amazed by the lack of desire to know what is really true. You see this “unbeliefism” against Christian belief all over the internet.
“Unbeliefism” is a created word combining “unbelief” and “ism”, meaning: an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or state of not believing, lack of faith, skepticism, especially in matters of religious faith, where one carries doubt, dubiety, dubiosity, uncertainty; distrust, mistrust, suspicion; apprehension, misgiving, qualm (extracted from Babylon definitions)
Why suckling with the mother cat does not make the piglet a kitten
Think about this Excerpt: What would you trade… for eternal happiness and good? Are you content to keep ¨what you have now…¨ and give up eternal happiness and good? Is this ¨thing¨ you value so much in this life – worth giving up eternal happiness and good? Do you truly value eternal happiness and good? If you value eternal happiness and good, don´t you think it´s about time you give your life to Jesus? How will you invest your 80-90 years of life on earth? Invest it all for here and now, or invest in the life to come in Jesus?
Think about it. Have you strayed from the truth?
When you are wrong and just don’t get it
Being Wrong Excerpt: I flashed across some crypto currency advertisement which gleefully declared,
8 Billion people can’t be wrong!
(World Population right this second (4/26/21): 7,861,737,983)
Reminded me of just how many people will be affected when Jesus suddenly surprises them, actually coming back just as He said He would. Are you ready for that day, or will it surprise you all to Hell?
Looking at the condition of the world today (April 26, 2021) I would have to say to the crypto guy, “On the contrary, billions of people CAN be wrong!”
That moment of IF when you choose your own thinking
Was your confession accepted by God?
Are you a lucky virgin? – Matthew 25:1-13
Want it Excerpt: God is real. The evidence is there. Where are you? Do you want it enough to actually investigate God? Do it now because tomorrow you may be kneeling before Him.
Want it – to know it… God’s message to us
God eventually gives you a free rein
Luke 9:23 – “And He was saying to them all,
“If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple],
he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests],
and take up his cross daily
[expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come]
and follow Me
[believing in Me, conforming to My example in living
and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].”
The penalties of the last judgement
Oh How Marvelous Excerpt:
Marvelous grace. To a sinner, what else could be so marvelous? God’s grace, that “un-merited” bestowing of a blessing on me. Just because of Him. Just because He chooses to do so within His Heavenly legal system.
What marvelous grace of the damning God, who would go so far out of His way to “un-condemn” me, to “un-do” His “God damn”, His damnation of me, to save me forever for Himself. To love me – at all. That is the grace of God.
The Gift by His precious, undeserved grace
Don’t Dance with the Devil …Olivetreeviews.org – special events
Needing something more than Jesus
Pretending their word is God’s Word
Curses, evil spells, and being jinxed
“…contend for the faith….” www.jude3.com… christianministriesintl.org/articles/
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
Wandering Stars. The Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR pt 1
There is no other saving gospel
The Complete Pentecost Experience?
The Gurus in Christian Churches
Verify Jesus. Verify, verify, verify
Why Jesus will say to some, “I don’t know you”
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
About False Teachings of Today
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
The Bill Johnson’s Unbiblical Teachings
SECOND WARNING – BILL JOHNSON and BETHEL CHURCH | by Andrew Strom | http://www.revivalschool.com/second-warning-bill-johnson-and-bethel-church
- I’ve actually become a fiery hot, glowing, Rapture Ready Watcher! The Bible teaches: A world-wide trap is being sprung soon. So we must be ready. The Christian’s eternity, in one sense — begins on Rapture Day. Hallelujah!
- Do you claim to be “a person of faith”? There are many types out there! What faith do you claim as yours?
* Or is your preference …to not toe-the-line? MirWeb phrase: to conform rigorously to a rule or standard The Bible is the standard for Christian thought and practice. Not me. Not you. What is your brand? Does your lifestyle show you as being in agreement with Jesus?
People follow a myriad of different “faiths”. Is your faith type a biblical faith that has you following Jesus… His example and what He taught? Is the Gospel of Jesus truly yours? What makes you think that your type of “faith” is acceptable to Jesus? It’s certainly worth testing it. Eternally worth it!
There are certainly endless faith types out there“: Wandering Star-type Christians, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, followers of Allah, Krishna, Buddha… and on and on they go. The idea that they all end up in the same Holy Kingdom is irrational and stupididiotic! How could all these contradicting beliefs refer to one God? That is illogical.
And if your faith is contradicting Jesus — maybe being an idolater, well then, that sounds like you are following something other than Jesus! Wouldn’t you agree? And if you are following something else… how can Jesus be happy with you? Do you even have God?
They do not have God. These discontented ones practice differing doctrines from the teachings taught by Jesus and His disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul. Are you one of them? …attending their church perhaps? Or have you remained “in the teaching”? (2 John 1:9)
The Bible is one teaching – and that teaching is only “what God meant“. It’s not up to our personal interpretations and imaginings to add-on “what we want it to say”.
20 But understand this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of or comes from one’s own [personal or special] interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
– 2 Peter 1:19-21.Don’t change it! The consequences of messing with God’s Words are eternal. “I am against you”, God says. Really want to go there?
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