What must I do to get saved?
What clearly saves and what obviously does not save
The Godman Jesus Said “Follow Me”
FOR MORE: Read through site articles related to "Salvation"
Flesh and Blood absolutely cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
Why do I have to be "born again"? What is that?
3 Jesus answered him,
“I assure you and most solemnly say to you,
unless a person is born again
[reborn from above—
spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified],
he cannot [ever] see and experience
the kingdom of God.”
- Verse 3 of John 3
Flesh and Blood absolutely cannot inherit the Kingdom of God
Born Again – reborn from above
Accepting Jesus – Plus Some Other
FOR MORE: Read through site articles related to "born again" (OMG site search)
Who was Jesus Christ, really?
Why do I keep sinning?
Voting your ideals
Voting is what every Christian is responsible to do
Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes
The Dems of today are The New Left
34 Ethical Issues All Christians Should Know | from Crossway
Being tested to know for sure your faithfulness to God
What is good, and what is not
Are Christians to remain hog-tied and silent in the face of evil?
Fearfully evil dark things are here
Being an “evangelical” in today’s wild and wooly ungodly culture
Are Christians to remain hog-tied and silent in the face of evil?
What does the Bible say about The Rapture
Jesus will rescue us soon from the wrath to come
Becoming fiery hot, glowing, Rapture Ready Watchers
List of References to the Rapture
The Absolutely Scintillating Resurrection-Rapture Moment
Waiting for the Rapture – mentioned throughout the New Testament
Dealing with the consequences of missing The Rapture
What we know about the Rapture
Jesus Promises an End Time Rapture
Until the Rapture door is shut
The Rapture: One Second Before and One Second After! –Friday, 17 February 2023 11:22 am – Posted in Prophecy Watch
The secret truth decreed by God
We are inside the timeframe Jesus gave for the Rapture
Jesus returns to earth twice in the End Times
Print this now: Your Guide for after the Rapture takes place
Reconsider Your Life
Being Set Free
Legally Damned – Legally Forgiven
I’ve been “declared free of guilt”
Jesus can save your soul for all eternity
Born of God “you were justified [declared free of guilt]"
Understanding “wrong”
When you are wrong and just don’t get it
What you think and practice as compared with what Jesus thinks
Live your best life wherever, doing whatever you want
Double-minded means both loving Jesus AND loving a different gospel
Letting It Reign Until Hell Is Home
Trying God’s Patience too long
“You are not of God”, Jesus said
Only God’s Way Leads to Himself
Delusion is absolutely irrational, stupid and foolish
Voting is what every Christian is responsible to do
Voting is what every Christian is responsible to do
Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes
Being an evangelical in today's wild and wooly ungodly culture
Getting to Heaven with no Left Foot
A no vote for either side – gives away your chance to choose with love
Contradicting Jesus
Are you one of the 18 percenters?
Evangelicals aren’t taking cues from high-profile critics | Now titled: Same song, second verse | | Post Date: November 8, 2024 | wng.org | "no one cares—and nor should they—what the commentariat thinks about evangelicalism anymore." "high-profile evangelicals". "It seems odd to put non-Christians in the position of judging what is or is not authentic Christianity."
Can Evangelical Journalists Say Anything Good about Evangelicals? | By Andrew T. Walker | |
Living between two opinions
Double-minded means both loving Jesus AND loving a different gospel
Why the tears, Paul? Colossians 2:18
Cognitive Dissonance “…that extreme feeling of discomfort some folks get when their core belief is challenged or contradicted.”
"This is a fight we're in"
"This is not a walk in the park. This experience of living on earth is a test. That’s how the Bible puts it."
19-20 “…There are some, you know, who by relaxing their grip and thinking anything goes have made a thorough mess of their faith….”
– 1 Timothy 1:15-20 The Message
The Good Fight by J.C. Ryle
Run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us
I run to win! Christ did. Do you?
Is your life fruit - Agape love? Galatians 5:22-23
Favorite Quotes
My Favorite Quotes ...from OMGjesus.org
Well said... quotes from people, just ordinary and extraordinary humans, and Jesus - the Godman.
Hell’s Quotes Much has been said. What do you say about Hell?
The Godman Jesus said "Follow Me"
Jesus said, “Good answer! Do it and you’ll live.”
Jesus said, “These Scriptures are all about me!”
"You are not of God" Jesus said
You are all wrong, Jesus said Matthew 22:verse 29
Do not fear. I will help you ...Jesus said
About prayer
Make Self Talk… God Talk. It goes on and on and on
Ephesians 1:15-23. Thanksgiving and Prayer
Holy Father Lord of all Excerpt:
Sitting here before you Lord,
my Holy Father, Lord of All
I’m so aware that I’m not holy...
NAR-type Charismatics
Wandering Stars. The Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR pt 1 by Jeremy Sanders *
Also see: pt 2, pt 3, pt 4 of this excellent Sanders series
Speaking with love about what is true and what is false
About False Teaching (a series)
False Prophets: Study by Diane Dew *with lots of great references
The controversy of God speaking to you directly
Making God Speak 2 Peter 1:20-21
This is God speaking (satire)
Getting Into The Miraculous - 2 Timothy 4:3
They in fact have seen nothing
Following the Jesus who was not God
Needing something more than Jesus
Post New Apostolic Reformation Reflections by Rick Becker
Two NAR Organizations to Watch by Holly Pivec
Our response to “Apostle” Randy Clark’s interview with Remnant Radio
OMGj Search: false teachers
Persevere: 1 Timothy 4:16, James 1:12, Matthew 10:22, Mark 13:13
Be cautious and active in faith
When difficult times assail us
Yes I can. I can stand strong.
How much is enough? ...What is “enough” – for Jesus to approve of you?